lampcord's Forum Posts

  • I've been using cocoonjs to publish my game for Android and have banner ads working in the debug version.

    However, I've signed the release version and uploaded it to google play. When I install from google play, everything works but I don't get ads any more.

    Has anyone else seen this?

    Is there an option in google play that I need to enable for ads to work?

  • I'm a photoshop junkie. Not sure I could really use anything else effectively. But then I've never had need for the final product to be a vector graphic. It is insanely expensive though. So is illustrator.

    Gimp is a nice free alternative. But it is not photoshop.

  • I did notice in CocoonJS, text and its constant update slows it down, causing a stutter effect but in Crosswalk there's no difference.

    I get the same performance for my game in CocoonJS as Crosswalk, and because I use text object throughout the game, it's more smoother on Crosswalk.

    What is your fps because if they are both 60 it isn't really telling us anything because that is the threshold.

    Do you have any text prompts? If so, did they work in cocoon js? Mine doesn't.

  • I was getting a slow FPS from Crosswalk so I decided to try recompiling my game with cocoonjs. The FPS jumped up by 10 which is sweet but I lost my text prompt!

    Anyone else see this? Right now my game works perfectly but I can't prompt for initials for high score.

  • Just curious, are you using the debug build or the release build and signing it yourself? If you are using the release build, give the debug build a try, the issue might be your signing or byte aligning.

  • More performance feedback 1280 x 720:

    1) Crosswalk with text controls: 45 fps

    2) Crosswalk with sprite fonts: 47 fps

    3) Cocoonjs with text controls: 55 fps

    4) Cocoonjs with sprite fonts: 57 fps

    So it looks like switching from text to sprite fonts gives me about a 2 fps boost while crosswalk to cocoonjs gives about a 10 fps bump.

    My next test will be to take the same 4 runs but using an 800 x 450 layout. I have a feeling this will make a huge difference. The actual screen space is only 39% of the original. That should greatly reduce the size of the ap and hopefully bring the frame rate way up.

  • > I had the exact same problem with my first attempt at cocoonjs. I never figured it out. Just got the Ludei screen and then went blank (solid black, non-responsive).


    > I switched to using Crosswalk which worked but the performance is not what I wanted (42 fps). So I'm switching back to cocoonjs, I'll post if I figure out the problem.


    Thank you lampcord!!!!!

    I managed to get a test ap working with cocoonjs but not my main ap. That makes me think it is a memory problem. I'm going to try reducing the size of my images and porting my game from 1280 x 720 to 800 x 450. I think that will make a huge difference.

  • I had the exact same problem with my first attempt at cocoonjs. I never figured it out. Just got the Ludei screen and then went blank (solid black, non-responsive).

    I switched to using Crosswalk which worked but the performance is not what I wanted (42 fps). So I'm switching back to cocoonjs, I'll post if I figure out the problem.

  • I decided to do some performance testing on a Crosswalk build after experiencing a somewhat disappointing 42 FPS on my game on a Samsung Galaxy S4.

    I'm trying to isolate exactly what parts of my game are slowing it down.

    Step 1 was to make a blank screen at 1280 x 720 with an FPS display (using text object) as a baseline. This yielded the expected 60 FPS.

    So I decided to add a simple scrolling transparent layer. This consisted of a tiling background about 180 x 720 that I had set to 50% alpha. I was suprised to see that this alone dropped the frame rate to 45 FPS! Just one semi-transparent layer with nothing else.

    As a comparison, my entire game has 4 layers (3 scrolling) multiple large sprites and sound, about 40 events and is at 42 FPS. Not sure what to make of this but it appears there is a large penalty for having ANY moving objects but after that only an incremental penalty for having many more.

    Just wondering what kinds of results others might be having?

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  • Samsung S4 at 42 fps.. definitely optimize it further because its such a strong device!!

    Yeah, I know. Just not sure how to go about it. I guess I could drop the resolution across the board. I made it at 1280 x 720. I could drop it to 800 x 450 but it would mean a lot of graphics rework and probably some physics tweaking as well. I do use 2 text boxes which I've been told are performance killers. Could try changing those to sprite fonts. Not sure what else I can do.

    I've read in a few places that Crosswalk builds have performance issues.

  • OK, this is really simple but seems addictive at least to my kids. Got it approved at

    I've also done a build for android with xdk via crosswalk its pending approval now.

    It runs on my samsung galaxy s4 at 42 FPS but I think I could pump that up a bit by switching to sprite fonts based on some of the posts I've read.

  • Just wondering what if any software others are using for making demo's of their game. I tried Active Presenter but was kind of disappointed by the quality. Has anyone else done this? What do you recommend?


  • Thanks! I will use spritefonts from now on to avoid this.

    BTW, I managed to find a possible reason for the problem. If any part of a text box overlaps any part of another text box, it seems like it makes one of them invisible. I managed to fix my problem by getting rid of overlaps. But if spritefonts give better performance, that's reason enough to use them.

  • I've been having a strange problem when publishing my game for Android with XDK / Crosswalk.

    Everything seems fine except a couple of text labels on my main page don't show up. They do in the emulator but once I compile and download to my device they go away.

    Just wondering if anyone else has seen this and what it might be. The font is Arial Narrow / 28 which I use many other places without a problem. Anyone have any idea why this might happen?

  • I'm trying to make an underwater scene with layer 0 a tiled background for the sky and layer 1 a tiled background for the water.

    However, transparency does not seem to be working on layer 1 so I don't see the sky above the water line, just the color white.

    Is there a setting I need to make transparency work or do I need to use sprites for the water?