[quote:1dmljdh9]Oh well that is totally different than what we thought you were asking.
So you created an animation on C2 and you want to use it as an image on Ebay.
How are you going to capture it- as a still picture, animated gif or video?
You have a license so as far as I am aware whatever you produce using C2 is your property and you can use it any way you want.
No need to capture or making gif.
Just export as html5 project upload on server copy url of project and paste modified code to item description in html section in ebay
Similiar to iframe
i think its possible
im not programmer but im trying do something like that:
document.write('<' + 'I' + 'FR' + 'AM' + 'E ' + 'SRC' + '="' + 'https://igamedeveloper.github.io/allegro/" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="a" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="60px" width="468px"' +'<' + '/' + 'i' +'fr'+ 'am'+ 'e'>')
i think code have errors
SO if that code will work
you will be able to play in game on ebay items
OK I understand now what you are planning.
As far as I know as long as you are a C2 license holder you can use your game/product any way you want but I would check with Tom at support scirra.com just to be sure.
Sounds like a great way to advertise using your games!