— if the enemy collision with the rock = the rock get smaller
that why it has to be separate from character
Hi Guys
i'm really stuck in this level it seem i couldn't find a way to do this effect (check the image)
please if someone could help me with C3P example or way to this
i will be more than grateful
thanks in advance
— thanks for the help
mekonbekon Thank you so much this exacly what i need you really saved me bro
can you guys help with capx exmple or somthing
and thanks in advance
CJacobsSA can you please share with me a capx i m trying to make the same kicking effect
hi everyone can someone explain to me ho i can send local notification like the image by a local storage time
i need to create a reminder app
hi everyone
i find this plugin for notification scirra.com/forum/plugin-notifications-v1-3_t85061 it very useful
can please someone help me how i can add a notification by date and time
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hi everyone i need to know how i can make a reminder notification for example : the player put the date of his birthday let see his birthday is 10/17/2017 23:47 then after the time is comming the game will send a local notification in 10/17/2017 23:47 (happy birthday Player )