labithiotis's Forum Posts

  • Thank you, I have set it to 12 (default is 3). Is that consider too many iteration?

    I have a another issue now I am noticing that when 6 or more drop they raise/swish for 1-2 pixels and then raise up. Can you stop this?

  • Hi,

    I have objects (70 at most) using physics dropping into the scene. I want them to drop and act more like 10ton bricks but currently when one lands on top of a stack it makes them all spring/bounce.

    I have set Object's and platform's Elasticity to 0, and all other parameters to 1. I have tried increasing their density with no luck and also tried increase the World Gravity with no luck either. All the objects still "Compress" and "Bounce" when another lands on it.

    Attached an example .cap :

  • Hi, I can't open that file as I have an order version (Free Version 114) which is the latest I can download. Says your version is 117 is that the premium version?

    Is it possible for you to save out to order versions?

    Sorry to be a pain, I only started playing with construct 2 yesterday and wanted to give it a little more of a play before purchasing if possible ;)

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  • I think (might be wrong as I am still a newbie) that waits inside loops are all executed at the same time.

    You just need to multiply the wait by the loopindex so each loop is executed by a 1 second delay.

    Something like this

    System : Wait [b]DelayAmount[/b] * loopindex
  • HI, firstly sorry if this has been asked, as it seems like a fairly common task but crawling through the forums I couldn't find any.

    I have a bunch of physic objects that I want to trigger events when they stop moving but only once, also when they are moved again I want these same events to trigger again but once again only. I also want to run events local to object and can't seem to work that out.

    I have tried to use Is sleeping which triggers at the right point but does so continuously so I use the default condition Trigger Once but that then only triggers once for all the objects not per object.

    So then I tried to place that inside a System:Every tick > System:For each object with Trigger Once. But then i just the events called over and over.

    Also tried sticking these in a custom function with local variable to control loops but no results.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    Thank you.