Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Moderator note: I moved the post to create this topic.

    Tom is likely to handle the issue from here.

  • : Edited.

  • diegog: According to the date of the posts, the "next build" at this period was r96.

    Now, the most recent beta release is the r99, perhaps you should test this release and see if your project works better.

  • The pack used for the "how to make a platform game" tutorial is part of the assets pack you get when buying a license for construct2.

    Use your own sprites/textures to keep up with the tutorial.

    This very part of the tutorial allows you to import a sprite-sheet (different frames all saved in a single image file, and automatically "cut" by C2 when importing the image).

    If you don't have the same assets, just use assets you can find on the internet or in the Tools/resources forum.

  • I discussed with Steven on IRC about this issue.

    His textures were drawn in C2's image editor.

    When you preview the project in either chrome or FF, the collisions polygons seem off.

    To fix it, go edit the "Player" sprite and either "set to bounding box" or "guess polygon shape".

    Then the collision polygon of the Sprite2 seems to be finaly "processed" (before it looked like bounding box).

    Could it be a bug somewhere ?

  • I won't make a video but just say it here.

    Construct 2 is an awesome tool, nothing more to say about that.

    But what's been surprising, exciting, inspiring more and more every day is its community.

    A decade ago, I guess game maker tools were seen as teenage communities by the "true coders", with a certain despise spread over the internet in any reference.

    But this current community on this website is far more than "just that".

    This topic itself sums the range of talent, creativity, accents/language/mindsets that are composing this community.

    Auntie Val touched it briefly in her (?) video. The website with the tuts, the manual, the forums and the variety of human beings populating this space, making it grow, renew itself constantly under the constant flow of posts, topics, new tuts, comments, and Construct releases. (Ash & Tom are part of this community as well, not unreachable godlike figures)

    My favourite "feature" in C2 is you.

    Edit: I almost forgot :

    For all of you in this topic who have made a video tutorial, please consider submitting a new tutorial and post the link to the vid in it (notifying in the title that it is a video tutorial).

    This will allow for your tutorials to not be lost and help many of the users who ask for more of them.

    Once again, there is a variety of tutorials there (in subject or form) and this is another example of the invaluable resources that our community can produce. Thumbs up for you one more time <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

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  • You should report it to rexrainbow, since it is a third-part plugin.

    Also why not using the built-in drag and drop behavior ?

    This post by Ashley is relevant to the situation.

  • Guif0DA:

    You probably want something more like A* and pathfinding. 00Rez came up with a really sweet couple of plugins that can work in conjunction with one another to do what you're hoping. You can find them here in the Rez Repo topic. You can even find an example of using Rex's moveto in conjunction with the pathfinding behavior and A* plugin. Pretty cool stuff.

    Quoted from the moveto behavior's topic.

    I haven't tried it myself, but if there's already a provided example, it sounds like 00Rez's solution might be more suited to your needs.

    I guess with my plugin, the iteration solution stands, iterating through the path's array, sending the next step's coordinates to the moveto behavior, and rely on a "on destination" trigger to iterate the next step.

  • Because the origin of your "walk" animation is set to the feet of the character.

    Player gets pinned by imagepoint 0, and in "walk" animation, this point just moves the rest of the character "up".

    You can either put the origin point at the same position in each animations, either create another imagepoint on purpose.

  • This very example is pretty awful actually.

    It is indeed pseudo-code, but coming more from a "real language", it is not the most appropriate/most used for C2 on the forums.

    Still, you could "translate" this pseudo code into this event sheet :

    <img src="" border="0">

    But it's really not a good example of C2's pseudo code used on the forums.

    Generally, people precise what the object type/condition used is/are.

  • To pay for what ?

  • If you want to go into the games industry then of course learning a "real" language, especially a widely recognised one like Java will be much more beneficial, but if you just want to make games for fun then it's Construct 2 every time IMO <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Well actually, C2 can even allow you that if you look at its SDK that will make you learn the basis of JavaScript.

  • Actually in this case, Chrome is doing the right thing.

    It means that chrome uses the webGL renderer, and it also means unfortunately that text is rendered in another canvas and so that you cannot act on the Z order of your text.

    Your firefox seems to run canvas2D (not webGL) so the text object is part of this canvas and you can act on its Z order, but it also means that performance-wise it will be less than webGL.

    Make sure that firefox is up to date (version 13.0.1) and that your graphic card drivers are up to date.

    As for what you want to do, try making an image out of your text and display it in a sprite if you want to be able to have elements of your games overlapping it.

  • What I am trying to do is generate a map that with randomize the streets.

    When we ask you what you're aiming for, this kind of answer is still vague.

    What do you mean by "randomize the streets" ? In your program what are the "streets" supposed to be ?

    Also your start of layout is quite messy.

    You're running a loop to check the former value in the array and set the current value according to that, why is that so ?

    For your first question you wanted to randomize the value at 0,0 coordinates in your array.

    Why not simply use the action "Set,0) to random(the_range_of_values)" ?

    As it is still unclear what you're wanting EXACTLY to do, it's hard to provide assistance.

    Moreover you say you will add other conditions later ? It almost sounds as you don't even know what you're trying to do yourself. Detail EVERYTHING at once, and we might from this point propose implementations or guidance.

  • Maybe it's the force of the habit, but animation preview being tied to the animation dialog makes sense to me, the image editor being rather dedicated to the frame editing.

    Perhaps two buttons might be an easy addition that Ash wouldn't mind anyway.

    On a personal level I don't know if that would change my workflow with animations much.