Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Delta-time and framerate independence, an important tutorial to check out.

  • 2) The ability to move global variables to another event sheet. As my game grows and I split code out to separate event sheets, I find my global variables are stuck in the sheet I created them on (since moving them deletes all the related nodes). I'm wondering if I can mess about with the XML files to do this...

    boolean: You can already move the variables.

    When you cut them, indeed, actions and events related to those disappear.

    But once you paste them in the destination events sheet, they all reappear.

    Magic !

  • Webstorage manual data entry.

    Webstorage uses some hard drive space specifically attributed by the browser. You can store data in it, automatically tied to the URL from where the game/app is played, and retrieve it.

    I can't tell for sure, since I don't have access to a mobile device, but I guess the cocoonJS and appmobi wrappers do have the same system, tying it to the local application that is storing the datas.

    Check also the how do I FAQ looking for the keyword "webstorage" to see different examples of how to use webstorage.

    Whether your target is mobile or desktop the usage of the plugin should be the same.

  • Also as far as the code source for your own project goes, it's saved as a .capx or a folder project.

    More info on that in that entry of the manual.

    Capx and project folders allow you to save and work later on your very own projects. Those are your source codes (a capx being a renamed zip of a project folder as a single file).

    • A condition to give an event a 1 in x chance to run (for example, if it was set to 5, an event would have a 1 in 5 (or 20%) chance to run).

    Using a condition "System: Compare two values", setting the first field to int(random(5)) and setting the second value to 4 should give exactly just that, and would even allow you to tweak the "chances" as well (int(random(5)) < 2 (2 chances on 5 to execute).

    Does it really need a dedicated condition for that "trick" ?

    • The ability to choose a collision mask for sprites (collision polygon, circle, bounding box) - just like the Physics behavior does.
    • Simple graphic objects, like a line, a circle and a rectangle. It would be great if they could detect collisions with objects.

    I believe the physics behavior still rests on the principle of collision polygon.

    I mean, the resolution of the circle collision mask is still based on a fixed number of points that forms the general shape. Or so I believe, Ashley could correct me.

    Also, when setting the texture of your sprite in the image editor, you can right click and "Set to bounding box".

    In the same order of idea, since the implementation of drawing tools in the recent beta versions, you can fill the texture with a color, and use it as rectangle (filled) or a line.

    The non filled rectangle could be an interesting addition.

    Also when using the draw tools, the collision polygons are guessed, and a full filled texture is by default a bounding box.

    Maybe I'm missing the point here, but I don't really see what advantage we could expect here.

    • An expression that returns the last key pressed on the keyboard as a string and a condition that checks for a key pressed based on that string. That would allow for customizable controls.

    I strongly second this one <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Returned as a string or as keycode, it doesn't really matter.

    Just as long as we can map keys.

    And also would have conditions "on key 'keycode' pressed/down" that would be wonderful.

  • MrMiller: Oh sorry I hadn't realized you were referring to CC, and on that I agree that the documentation is far more sporadic.

    The wiki is pretty incomplete and not up to date, and it's true that the main documentation resource is the forum and its community.

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  • Have you checked the how do I FAQ ?

    Section "Sidescroller/Platformer genre"

    et character to shoot right and left - LINK

    Also may I suggest using DropBox for hosting your files freely and without captchas or annoying clicks for the end user ?

  • Follow this tutorial.

    Also about the maximum width, it is the width of your project that must be 800 max, not the size of your sprites.

  • Pretty cool.

    Works nicely in FF15 too.

    Some hicups with the physics when you're spawning too much water in between the two platforms, but in the whole it does the trick.

    The water effect really does give a "slime" illusion.

  • I still do prefer cloud services as I've used Google Docs to create all my Game Design Documents, presentation materials, and drawings. After which, I could go to any Internet connected computer terminal, log into Google Docs and access the material in the cloud to further work on it.

    Cloud services are a good to have feature that's popping up everywhere. I must also add that this is a great "best practice" for indie developers. From here, I can share all my docs to any co-programmers working on the game project.

    Now, wouldn't it be excellent if Scirra allowed us to share our code with co-programmers. Another programmer could then check in the project and make his code changes, after which he checks out and someone takes over the job - 24 / 7 round the clock game development.

    Talk about AGILE!

    necromaster: When you save your project as folder, the files are XML which means, text files that you can put on a repository system like subversion or even github I believe (in the manual entry about saving and sharing projects).

    Talk about agile, you already have it from the very design of the project format of C2.

    Also C2 itself can be installed on a USB drive (for more portability of not only the project files, but also the software itself).

    There are very few books if any (Construct has what, one? Two maybe?) very little documentation, and less history, and for the most part most of the communities in this realm make mostly tech demos as none of us are entirely sure yet just how far we can take these systems, even though making a full game is easily possible and has been done a number of times.

    MrMiller: With the manual, the tutorials, the very forums and the number of Scirra's blog articles about C2, the examples shipped with C2 in the folder "examples" and even the section "Example games" in the arcade which let's you often download a commented capx with the game; I don't believe it's a fair statement to say it is very little documentation in regards to a lot of other engines/coding language.

    Also, as you said, it has less history, and in regard of the little time C2 has been around, it has quite a fair amount of clear and useful documentation imo, and some more gets added on a daily basis.

    Of course if you compare to one C++, you'll have a difference on the mass of documentation you can find. But C2 hasn't been around for 20+ years, and as you mentioned, it helps already having notions/concepts and how-to

    knowledge to have stuff done in C2.

    But also, the entry bar compared to general coding language is that you can focus on concepts related to game making (you don't need to know exactly how RAM management works to make a game with C2). In that regards, it opens the "target" to, like Rory said even ppl with no knowledge of how to program just yet.

    Truth is, they'll learn as they use C2. Without even necessary noticing it themselves.

    From the moment you're starting to talk about variables and instances, you're programming <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • In your "On start of layout" event, add the action "Mouse: Set cursor style -> None"

  • Please read how to report bugs and provide a capx as well as precise steps to reproduce the bug.

  • bjadams: Laurent Wouldn't project files do the trick ?

  • It can be downloaded in this page.

    When you ask on IRC/chat, you should wait more than 10 seconds before leaving <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Bugs and support asking about third part plugins should be reported/asked in the topic of the plugin, not this section of the forum.

    Also apparently, you need to configure your firewall so that it doesn't block the port 843.

    If you don't know what is a firewall is, make a search on google in your own language, firewall are common in networking/internet.

    According to the firewall you're using you should then find the way to unblock the correct (firewall) port.