Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • The fact of pressing either a/b/x/y to activate the recognition of the pad is due to the way the gamepad API is written, it's the way of the standard, and I don't think anything can be done about it.

  • You should check the "How do I FAQ" for those kind of questions.

    You would have found the item "Making a button using a sprite (and handle clicking on it) - LINK".

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Bonjour et bienvenue Blackyell.

    Families are useful, but you can very much make games without them.

    In my tutorials, I tend to make projects under 100 events and being "friend-edition" friendly.

    So I don't use families in them.

    In my personal/pro projects, I use them when it feels it can really lighten the code/it makes sense.

    To me, the real plus of the families is a facility in code writing and possibly an "OOP" way of dealing with objects.

    You can set common behaviors/instance variables that will be common to all the object types in your family but also add specific behaviors/instance variables to the object types of your choice, and be able to do a "first pick" on the family before refining to the specific object type and then using its own behavior/instance variables.

    I hope this helps you visualizing a bit better what families could bring to you.

    I strongly support the idea of buying a license, as even the personal one will really help you to fully test and learn all the subtleties of C2.

    Nevertheless, to learn the basics and make your first experiments/released little games, the free version is really more than enough as it is.

    It's soon Christmas, it's worth asking the license as a gift that will provide hours of fun if you're into game making rather than "straight programming".

  • I agree that I also would like the layers' configuration to be copied, as well as the attached event sheet configuration.

    When I duplicate layouts, I tend to also have set the layers in a certain way, and set a (single) common event sheet.

    It breaks a bit the workflow because duplicating layouts happen when I'm making levels based on the mechanics I've already coded.

    And each duplicate needs a few "previous" preparation before really going in "level design mode".

    Ashley could it be either a change, or an added IDE option that could (in the preferences or project's configuration, "type of duplication") ?

  • For the Hack-a-Jam 2012 I submitted this game.

    Of course made with Construct2 in (less than) the time allowed.

    Pretty basic, unbalanced, still hopefully funny.

  • That's because of how events work.

    Every tick/frame of execution that the event's conditions are true its actions will be executed.

    So in that case, as long as PlayerCo... is overlapping TutorialSign, the text stuff is initialising, seemingly writing only one letter.

    As far as typewriting effect goes you also have an example available in the "How do I FAQ" (link in my signature) that works without external plugins, only with the "basics" of C2.

  • KSLR: if your name is amongst the one listed in the most recent post Scirra made on their facebook page, yes you won.

    Richard Taimalie, chay Strawbridge, Andrew Pelzer, giacomo De Martino, Ryan Smith, jonathan Bender, korree Taylor won a set of Scirra stickers! Please privately message us your address for delivery.

    Sorry to everyone who did not win!

    Congrats to the winners.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Tutorial supporting multiple screen sizes.

    Also please prefer using the "Edit post" in Post options rather than posting several posts in a row.

  • : He already did last time you asked here.

  • It would be simpler if you'd post a capx for us to understand what your issue is.

    I'm totally lost in a world of "boxes" and "clones" which makes little sense in C2 vocabulary.

    Object types and instances is the "standard" language out here.

    But from what I understand you have some issue with picking apparently, you might want to check the "how do I FAQ" (link in my signature) to the section "Picking/selecting instances".

    You might find useful infos for your issue there hopefully.

  • Manual entry about effects and blending

    Though I'd rather go with sprites with a transparent background

    And what about the bug ? Is Construct 2 still crashing ?

    In what precise steps ?

    Also, be aware that your computer specs are rather old/weak and that Intel graphic chipset tends to have issues supporting/displaying correctly graphics (which may be a cause of C2 crashing, check this blog article as well as this one)

  • I'd confirm your issue is local (only on your Firefox installation).

    I've tested your link, it works as intended and no quick find search or anything unwanted pops up.

    Try to remove any add-ons/additional module that might be installed.

    If nothing changes, try to unisntall FF, clear the registry base and reinstall it.

    Or try to find if you've some shortcuts set up or anything input-related that would be different from a clean install.

    As for the implementation of the keyboard/wasd, check the ghost shooter.capx example that is shipped with C2's install (accessible from the start page, left column), the example contains an example of WASD movement + arrows movement (default controls of the behavior).