Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • I don't know for sure, but it feels more like an error in your code.

    Check your event 2, it's running a loop for a non existing tag in the XML.

    IMO that's why you're getting the error.

    Better wait for Ash to check this for sure though, I have little experience with the XML plugin.

  • ^This is true, but if you want to do it the long way, arrays are the way to go.^

    also since A* is so flexible, the chances of finding a plugin that fits you perfectly are pretty small.

    and if you don't know how to code in java(sense your using C2 chances are you don't). this is your best bet.

    Once again Java is not JavaScript and HTML5 is JavaScript based.

    Also there are already a few pathfinding plugins and behaviors released in the forum dedicated to third-part plugins.

    Nicely working example though, but would it work on any kind/size of layout without a major rework of the algorithm ?

    I only took a quick look at the code, but first event in the algorithm being a loop of 0 to 100 seems pretty limiting.

  • gameron: it works the same.

    You offset is simply a value, use global (constant) variable.

    Set the magnitude to MyMagnitude + (or -) MyOffset in the same way it was proposed in Ashley's post.

  • superwifibattler: If you actually had read the first post of the thread before posting you would understand your point is not valid.

    Also, please, don't use oversized format in your post, it just makes it utterly annoying to read. Thank you.

  • Yes there are examples in the how do I FAQ section "Scrolling / Camera".

  • Try Construct 3

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    : done.

  • This blog article by Ashley is a must read.

  • New to Construct: Where to start should answer your questions.

    Indeed, only C2 allows you to make games in browser.

  • Do you keep backups ?

    If so, rename the file to .capx and see if those aren't corrupted.

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  • Manual]Physics actions: Global settings

    These actions affect Physics behaviors in general, not just the one it was set for.

    Enable/disable collisions

    By default, all Physics objects collide with each other. You can disable collisions between the object and another Physics object so they pass through each other. This affects all instances of both object types. Note: enabling collisions again when objects are overlapping can cause instability in the simulation.

    Perhaps in conjunction with setting the objects with physics to immovable it could be close enough to enabling/disabling ?

    IIRC, there was an example of switching between physics and platform behavior that was quite a while ago and is listed in the how do I FAQ (link in my signature).

  • Why don't you try going in one of your already uploaded game and "Update" it (in the "Edit game" top dropdown box ?)

    Tom anything to say on the subject ?

  • lass8241 CX05: Here's a tutorial on how to update your graphic card drivers which should fix the issue.

  • Manual]Is overlapping another object

    Is overlapping at offset

    True if any instance is overlapping any instance of another object. The collision polygons are taken in to account if set, as well as the object's size and rotation. The 'offset' variant will test for an overlap at an offset from the first object. For example, testing for an overlap at an offset of (100, 0) will temporarily move the object to the right 100 pixels, test for the overlap, then move it back again.

    Also why would you add trigger once if it is working as intended at the moment ?

  • Firefox has problems with HTML5 and some sound formats (they might cut in and out.)

    Sorry sir, wrong assertion.

    If you check for errors in your browser executing the game in Firefox, you'll see it can't load the sounds because of the wrong MIME type of your server.

    Firefox is stricter than chrome, but audio works as intended.

    It's just an issue on your end with the configuration, fix it and sound should work just as fine as in Chrome.

    Good luck in your search for people helping on your projects.