Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Event 7 replace

    Newplayer is overlapping brick


    Newplayer is overlapping Brick at offset (0, 16)

    It should do what you want.

    When updating C2, make sure to read the changelog pages for all the versions that were in between the version you were using and the most recent you are updating to.

    All the important changes are in there.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • More explanations on andreyin solution in this tutorial.

  • You should definitely upload a complete capx for us to test.

    AS far as I'm concerned, picking is working in the latest beta and your code would be supposed to work.

    Are you sure you uninstall the older C2 versions when you update ?

    Anyway, without a capx, your report is quite confusing indeed.

  • Try removing the plugin and see if the issue persists.

    I can't test I don't have win8, but normally third parts plugins aren't supported by Scirra.

    If you figure the issue is in relation with (if the problem persists even without the plugin in the project) please post this other capx.

    Otherwise, report in the plugin topic, austin is very supportive of his plugin.

  • InkScape (tutorials available on the excellent 2D game art for programmers)

    Also topic moved, it's not directly related to C2.

  • Ha indeed, my example doesn't work in Chrome either.

    Yet another strange Chrome bug apparently.

  • Rhindon: Well the static will prevent it resets every tick.

    Otherwise, making a local variable in the group "isolates"/sets the scope to only this group.

  • Rhindon:

    IS THIS because every tick the local variable is essentially re-declared within the group/event it's associated with, whereas the global variable remains open to any and all events/actions that may call on it?


    Global variables are even global to the project, and their value is "fixed" over time.

    Local variable has a smaller scope (a group for example) and is reset every tick.

    Since this post though features were added to variables: static and constant.

    A static local variable won't be reset and will hold a fixed value over time, but its scope remains unchanged.

    A constant is a variable which value will never change during the execution of the game.

  • No problem, glad it's all fine now.

  • Works for me.

    Try to make sure the focus is on the dialog and it works as intended.

  • Doesn't seem to be issue for me : example capx.

    It has probably to do with the way you set your events, which means you should post your capx for us to be able to pinpoint what/where it's going wrong.

  • Make a port of a C2 game to 3DS is apparently possible (since it's a port in a different language, it means basically redoing it from scratch).

    If you mean directly publish a game made in C2 to those platform, apparently the answer is no (unless 3DS and WiiU starts to support HTML5 gaming).

  • I'm not sure to understand question 1 so I'll leave it aside for now.

    Question 2 and 3 should be answered thanks to this tutorial, an implementation for question 4 lies in this tutorial and this same tutorial might possibly answer question 1 (it's a video tutorial displaying some workflow).

    Question 5, well...

    Already complete the 4 first questions/2 tutorials and then we might talk again about 1 on 1 online game.

    It's been made more reachable in r116 thanks to the addition of websockets, but you still need to code an external server.

    I don't know if facebook allows such games (probably), and be aware it won't be real time, but turn based is possible.

    For the bluetooth realtime, I don't think it's possible at all (you would have to check HTML5's bluetooth support I guess).

    You might want to read and check some other tutorials linked in this one, they should give you more experience and a better idea of how to use Construct 2.

    Also rather than google, prefer a forum search you might get more interesting/precise results.

  • Edit 2017-05-06

    Example capx

  • The end of layout is triggered when you use the "Go to layout" system action, it's simple as that.