Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • I wish I could, but I can't do that.

    "The topic you're replying to has been inactive for over a year. Please create a new topic if you need to."

    Don't you see a text field beneath this message and a button "Post reply" ?

    Otherwise, dop2000 is right, you should be able to post your request in the more recent topic he posts the link to.

  • Again, consider posting in the original topic, the original author of the template might help do this modification.

    The idea is to open the template in Construct 2 and remove the addon there, replacing the ACE for it with a standard or compatible addon that can be then opened in Construct 3.

  • Please file a bug report.

    I used the expression in a previous project, and it did work and display loading as it progressed.

    It returns a value from 0 to 1, incrementing based on the various spritesheets being loaded I believe. If your project only contains 1 spritesheet, it is possible that only a single update of the value happens.

  • Perhaps you might want to look into the demos actually provided and up to date with Construct 3 ?

    This tutorial might be of help there :

  • The How to make a platformer game tutorial for beginners deals with those questions and more.

  • You should post your specific question about this specific template in the topic ("Comments" tab, in the item's page, for each items in the store) for the template itself :

    Make sure to read the various posts already there, perhaps they will provide you with some insight.

    When you open a project in Construct 3, a dialog appears to let you know if and what addons might be missing for example.

    The same dialog will appear when you switch the Project property "Runtime" from C2 to C3 runtime.

    You can read more about the specificities of C3 runtime :

  • You can set in the settings ( whether to use stable or beta channels.

  • Are you sure all the frames of the animation "Faith" is currently playing contain an image point "1" ?

    Post your project so we can check it out.

  • Kyatric okay thanks that worked for Color under the Common panel. But for comments I don't even get a color picker. I right-click, select Colors.. then either text or background, when I click literally nothing happens. any ideas? are you changing color to your comments a different way?

    Version 83.0.4103.97 here, and I get the color picker for the comments text and background color as well. And it's working as intended. Construct 3 R203.2 beta

    I have other bugs with chrome's new UI (specific keyboard keys of the numeric keypad not triggering typing in value for Animation speed in the animations editor for example; super strange only 2, 4, 6 and 8 trigger a value).

  • Chrome's UI changed indeed.

    Make sure to pick a color in the color picker (rectangle area on top) and click somewhere else in the event sheet view.

    It automatically validates the color picked for me.

    To see it, make sure to deselect the comment the color is applied to.

  • No, the changelog makes no note of that nature.

    Are you sure you added the plugin to the project ?

  • Example c3p made in R202.

  • Example c3p made in R202

    Do you mean like in this example file ?

    I've modified "touch a sprite" into having an array that contains the r,g and b info for each frames displayed in a sprite.

    You set your colors in the file and at runtime, when the "attached" frame is displayed, the defined values are applied to "Set color".

    Perhaps you should post your own project for us to see how it is made and what solution could be provided to answer.

  • In your screenshot "TimeStamp" is an auto-complete and indicates what value you should put between the parenthesis.

    Since you want the actual month, according to the actual time/date, you can make use of the expression .now within the Date plugin.

    + System: On start of layout

    -> Text: Set text to Date.GetUTCMonth(Date.Now)

    Will display "5" in your text object.

    As indicated, the month is returned from 0 to 11 (0 is January, 1 is February, etc...).

    If you want to display the month in "letters"/as word, you likely need to set up an array that contains your months and display it accordingly.

    See this example c3p made in r201

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  • Make sure to use the latest beta release R201 -

    There was a bug with admob in latest stable that has been fixed in those beta.