I don't request one price, I request to have all the features in a single plugin which would make it far more maintainable and usable for every one.
From what I understand from what you are saying (hard to understand, so I may be wrong), you are mainly craving for money since your first releases had to few users/payers to your taste.
Phonegap was/is not really the best export method at the moment, so it wasn't a priority.
Yourself did not make plugins for those two years. And strangely, from the moment that the first commercial plugin (Q3D) was released and close after statements that Phonegap will soon become a viable export method in a few versions, you started flooding the plugin forums with your "thirst" and your prices.
You are allowed to speak your open mind, so am I. I am a bit suspicious about those "coincidences".
As far as I'm concerned, I'm thinking about simply not listing those commercial plugins anymore, as I find it distasteful and it represents quite some work for me each month.
And as apparently you're not really wanting to help me out anyway, why should I bother.