Katala: Intersting point.
For sure IWBTG and other masocore games (yeah I learn that term from kayin's twitter account today, let me show off a bit ) do rely on frustrating the player and conscious unfairness.
Nevertheless, what is the percentage of players who actually do play those games on the long term and enjoy them ?
I mean I truly enjoyed watching the I wanna be the guy: Gaiden stream at evo 2012.
Nevertheless, as a player, I did not went past the second level and haven't really tried that hard either. It's time consuming and far less fun to me to play that type of game.
Still I wouldn't consider it a bad game because of the design/level analysis I made of it, and the fun I had watching the stream but I know it's definitely not the type of game I enjoy playing once I'm confronted to the released version (which is different from the one on stream).
It's too challenging and unfair to my patience
Perhaps if I took the time and decided that "I wanna be the guy", I could go further. Truth is I never had the determination to do it yet