kuhneye's Forum Posts

  • I've got 2 questions in my last paragraph. Its impossible to know which one you're answering. Could you be clearer?

  • Just read about "includes" in the manual. So seems I need to start from scratch and write the common parts as separate event sheets.

    Is this the best way to proceed? Are there other ways?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Built level one of velojet's platformed tutorial.

    Built a new layout with same sprites. Assigned values and points to 4 new floors. Now once player lands on 3rd floor it reads the event as being in level 1 and telling you that you have advanced to level 2, which already on.

    I've included the whole event sheet one as could not see what else to do other than create all commands again which seems a waste.

    Any ideas how to edit or change my approach?

  • Downloading right now.

  • Awesome ex32! Much appreciated!

  • Hi kuhneye - I believe Fireworks can be a little easier for some (non-graphic artist) people than Photoshop. If you're looking for something free then try gimp.

    Thanks hunderedfold, will look them up too

  • Thanks, on my way to watch link

  • Basicly: something for non-graphic artists. Simple, easy to use and learn. Construct 2 type graphics maker? Is there such a thing?

  • Got it! Thanks alot!

    Will adjust my approach and reference the manual now as I go along.

    Thanks again

  • Thanks, how do I change the window size.

    I've downloaded the manual and it made my head spin.

    I'm asking as the game I built is the very first tutorial and am about to start the second platformer. I find hands on learning sticks. The manual is just too filled with jargon right now. Once I've done a half dozen or so tutorials, I'll then reread the manual as then it would make some sense.

  • I did change layout size from 1280, 1024 (doubled each value) but still got the same viewing size when playing the game.

  • I can change the size of the browser window but what I see in the game stays the same. Imagine looking at a photo if a person that is focused on the torso, but you want to see the whole person.

    I don't have the vocabulary so don't know how else to explain OR to even understand your 2 suggestions.

    Just restarted using Construct 2 after getting a dedicated GPU.

    "Post the capx"? Don't understand. If it involves internet, then I can't do as posting here on android phone. No internet connected to PC.

  • When I play the game, ie. click "run layout" button, I can change size but the same amount of the game is shown.

    I've no idea how to explain better. Imagine a big square, with a smaller square inside that's about a third of the big squares size. I can only see what's in the little square when running the game.

  • When I run the game it's only showing a part of the layout in the browser.

    How do I increase/decrease what player can see of the layout in play?

  • OK Lordshiva will try that, I did not know.

    I'll get at it again this weekend after I've learnt to screen shot/video record what I'm doing.