krystalstudio's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • First, you need to pick the instance of the TextBox. With the getElement() method, you can get its DOM element. At this point, you can access the scrollTop property.

    const textInputInstance = runtime.objects.TextInput.getFirstInstance();
    const textInputDOM = textInputInstance.getElement();
    runtime.globalVars.BoxTop = textInputDOM.scrollTop;
  • Hey buddy, first of all, there’s no such thing as a stupid question, so don’t worry about that.

    To solve your problem, you can use the getElement() method on your created instance to get the DOM element related to it.

    Once you have the DOM element, you will be able to change the ID and class.

    You can see an example in the following project:

  • I'm working with Construct several years and i'm not happy with the use of "signal / wait for signal" actions because not make me sense was "wait for signal" being an action.

    My suggestion it's about to change "wait for signal" from being an action to an event so that way make sense with the "event/action" pattern that currently used in this game engine.

    I attach an image to show in summary an example of my suggestion:

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  • Hi, I have recently started using the timeline features a lot more, but, I am facing problems with the following points:

    Sometimes the frames are not saved correctly.

    Selecting multiple objects and saving the frame information only saves the information of one of the objects.

    It is not intuitive to know in which part of the timeline I am editing.

    It is inconvenient to have to use the shortcut "S", I would like it better if there was an "autokey" function.

    I don't know if anyone else has had these problems but it would help to streamline the workflow to improve these aspects of this tool.


  • 4 posts