KrushBrother's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys.

    I've just run into this problem with flashing sprites.

    I have certain sprites that are constantly flashing slowly (set up by a single flash command), but sometimes I need to hide the sprites, sometimes show them without flashing, and sometimes flashing again.

    For some reason, after you have made a sprite flash, you cannot hide it afterwards, whether the flash is still going or not.

    Also, you cannot stop it flashing and show it normally once you've started it.

    I imagined that using the "visible" command would override the flashing and show the sprite, but no.

    I can fix this part of the bug by using the flash command with 0.001 values for both parameters, but that's not the point.

    I can set up my own flashing timer easily enough, so I don't have to rely on the flash command, but I thought I'd flag this bug up for others to try.

    Given the rarity of new builds these days, I'm going to have to create my own timing on flashing so that it doesn't hold up this project for weeks (or months) waiting for the bug to be squashed.

    Would appreciate it if others could confirm that it's a bug so that it may be squashed in future builds.



  • I am not asking for the next update....

    I'd like to know if there's a new build on the way.

    It's been a while, and it would be nice to know that the project was still ongoing.


  • Yeah, I'm not convinced either.

    It just seems too good to be true.

    We'll see.


  • This forum is becoming a bit odd!

  • Thanks for the input guys.

    I finally decided to go with the iPod Touch 32gb.

    <img src="">

    It does everything I want from a media player, and more, so I'm very happy with it.

    I was right about the "invasionware" that might have to be installed with it, but anyone who's ever installed Quicktime will know how much Apple are desperate for your money, and want to know about everything you do with their software/hardware.

    iTunes installed after 3 attempts (poor programming from Apple, take a look at the amount of complaints about installing iTunes), and I now have it working fine, although I never let it or any of it's sister programs connect to the Internet.

    I even have some processes killed with my firewall the instant they try to start, like the infamous "Bonjour" for instance.

    In fact, none of the Apple processes or services that start on Windows boot-up are required when you're not connecting your iPod to the computer, and any that are required when you do connect it will start then.

    It just proves how much "bloatware" there is in the package, and it's the reason Apple haven't had my custom for an iMac, iPad, etc, over the years.

    I like to be in control of what my computer is doing, and what connects to the Internet.

    I guess there is a big market out there for people who want it all done for them, regardless of how much information they're giving away.

    Anyway, iPod and Sound System are both doing well, hehe.

    I also wanted to get a new sound system with an iPod dock, so I could play the music off my iPod through it, as well as having it charge through it.

    I got this one from Asda for just under �130, it's a Sony, and it's got an unbelievable sound.

    <img src=",0.5,0,0">

    Now I've just got to sort hundreds of albums out, making sure that everything has correct tags and album covers, etc.

    I'm using the freeware program MP3tag for this, which allows you to download correct track names and album covers etc, so there really is very little need for iTunes, other than for actually moving them to the iPod.

    Thanks again for the info guys.



  • Also, sorry Krush, but common sense says this should have been in open topic.

    I agree Newt.

    I was just trying to get as big an audience for the thread as possible, and a bit of leeway could have been given for a day or two at least.

    Sometimes, even on-topic posts don't get a response for many days, so I feared that my thread wouldn't even get seen in another section of the site.

    And I also agree about Apple.

    The iPod is the ONLY thing I want of theirs (you can keep your Mac, MacBook, Ipad, etc), but if my fears are founded where adding MP3s to it are concerned, then I won't be buying one anyway.


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  • Sheesh.

    How come common sense doesn't figure in anything these days?

    This thread could have been moved in a couple of days, or even destroyed if need be.

    In a forum where the Devs rarely turn up these days, and the traffic here seems a fraction of what it was, does it really matter?

    There are forums that I've been a member of for years that I wouldn't have posted this type of request on, simply because they're too **** in their approach to rules, and I only posted here because it's always been a relaxed atmosphere for most things.

    I won't make that mistake again.

    I know you're a new mod, and maybe feel you have something to prove, but really.


  • Mods, please leave this here in the short-term, as I'd like to get as many answers to my questions in the short term.

    I have a very good touch-phone, so I don't need (or want) an iPhone.

    I also have a pretty decent MP3 player, but I'm looking at buying an iPod and a really good docking station to go with it.

    I've done a fair amount of research on which docking station I want, so that's ok, but I have some questions about the iPod itself.

    My MP3 collection is made up of mostly MP3s ripped from my own CD collection, with a few sourced from other places (ahem).

    What I want to know is, how easy is it to put MP3s onto the iPod.

    I know Apple are control freaks, and like to have almost total control over you , so I'm wondering whether I have to install any "invasionware" to get my MP3s onto an iPod, and are there any problems with MP3s that have no digital rights (I stripped that off my MP3s when I ripped my CDs).

    Am I right to be cautious?

    I don't want to spend a few hundred pound only to find I have to rip all my CDs again.

    I wouldn't be responsible for my actions.

    Also, how decent are the features on the iPod?

    Any info from anyone that has one, or links to relevant info that I've somehow missed would be much appreciated.

    Again, if the Mods could please leave this here for a day or two so I can get some feedback.

    Thanks guys,


  • This sounds familiar, but I haven't come across it much, thankfully.

    I'm wondering how much Construct is being developed currently.

    David has only posted about 28 times this year, and Rich has only posted twice!

    Ashley still seems to be around, but I don't know what sort of priority Construct has with the Devs at the moment.

    There's always a chance of this happening with indie programming.

    I just hope that Construct hasn't "served it's purpose", and that they decide they no longer have time for developing it.

    On the other hand it could just be the nice weather.

    I hope they do sort this problem out if and when they get back to it.

    I just hope it doesn't start happening to me in the meantime.


  • Nice, nice, and nice!

    Will come in very useful.


  • Thanks for a very informative post Newt.

    Much appreciated.

    I'll take a look at getting the wav filesize down without losing too much quality, and have a play around.

    The reason I wanted to use OGG was to keep the project filesize down, even though I don't have a clue how big it will be at the end.

    I'm afraid I'm the same when making 3D models.

    I like to get the best looking model with as few polys as possible if it's for a game rather than render, probably because I've seen too many poly-heavy models over the years.

    Maybe I shouldn't be as strict on the size of the wav files until I get closer to finishing the game (but I know I'll spend hours in GoldWave getting them just right )

    Thanks again for the info.


  • Take a look at the platform tutorials by Deadeye.

    You may need to use an earlier version of Construct (not sure which version you're using), but they should explain quite a few things concerning animation and platform behaviour.

    There are (supposedly) new versions in the making that makes use of the newer Construct features, but they haven't been released yet.

    I think that Deadeye is waiting for version 1.0 of Construct to be released, but I think he should release them now, and update them when 1.0 is released (seeing as he'll have to update them anyway if anything changes towards 1.0)

    What do you say Deadeye?


  • Thanks for replying rojo.

    I've found that using both methods you suggest gets the same results as you, except that the last 2/10ths of a second are cropped off the end of the sample (not played completely).

    I mentioned the devs having to sort out the Xaudio side of construct by version 1.0 months ago, based solely on what others where saying in various threads.

    Now I'm starting to put more sounds into the game, I can see where others were getting frustrated.

    One of my projects can easily be transferred over to another dev platform, or even C++, because it's still in the design stages, but I've put a lot of effort into the Construct side of my other project, and it would be annoying to lose all that.

    I'd like to hear what the devs think.

    Is the XAudio where they want it to be at, or do they have plans to give it some serious attention.

    As it stands, loading from file into channels works like a charm, but I'd prefer to store the samples away one way or another.

    Any chance the devs will consider allowing us to load files from password-protected ZIP files?

    Like I say, the playing of OGG files seems fine when loading from file into channels, so this would be a good solution.


  • It is actually possible to make .exes out of Inform projects, though not many people do. I don't have the link handy, but I know it works - I've done it myself, a while ago.

    Well in that case, I'd better take another look at Inform.

    I can't remember what version they were on when I looked at it last (it was a little while ago), but I'm going to take a look at the latest version to see if you're right.

    Thanks for the info,


  • Well, it's definitely nothing my side, so it must be construct.

    Converting both OGG files that I was using to WAV, I am able to load them as resources and then play them on their channel when I need them without problem.

    The problem there is that the 15k OGG file becomes a 191k WAV file, and the 106k OGG file becomes more than 1.6 Mb.

    Yes, I can probably get them down from that, but I'm not prepared to lose much quality to get the filesize down, when the OGG does it so well.

    This is a real showstopper for me.

    I can't see me developing anything in Construct with this restriction.

    Is this just a bug that has been missed for so long, or is there another reason for it?

    BTW, this forum hasn't died has it?

    Seems to be getting quieter all the time.

    Time for the Devs to start making regular appearances again perhaps?
