One of my game, a Flappy Clone (Flappy Sperm!!), had a lot of downloads and even though it doesn't work on half the devices out there that it should work on (due to CJS being crash prone & buggy!), it still generated a lot of impressions. So it earnt me enough to buy some Apple hardware to now test games on and try to put some bigger games onto the iOS store.
I am hoping XDK comes through, but it seems they only support plugins, which C2 needs to incorporate in an update... no word yet on whether thats going to happen.
If it doesn't, I am going to move to Game Maker since they do have proper mobile support that doesn't rely on 3rd party efforts.
Aha, so that's your game Some impressions from me as well then.
Did you say you were able to buy apple hardware with ad impressions! Wow. I envy you
I agree with the C2 to have its own plugins for ads and iaps ... I wrote to
Ashley on that earlier too.
I may also (sadly) look for other game engines. I love C2, but .... there are these issues that need some focus.
It must be really tough with just a 3 people team.