Kresho's Forum Posts

  • I'm exporting it to Kongregate. I tried different approaches and now I feel like I don't have a slightest clue how local storage works

  • I have 4 statistics that I save to local storage. All work fine when I run them from Construct2.

    However when I upload the game online, three stats work and one doesn't. Any clues?

  • Do you have the wrap behavior on both the object and the player?


  • Great start! I like how fluid the spacecraft moves.


  • Hey thanks for testing, I'll have to go through the code myself. There's a lot of other stuff going on in the .capx so I'll try to check it myself.

    However, there's no code referring the wrap, it's only a behavior so I'm not sure what to check.

  • You got the core gameplay working now you can improve by adding an online leaderboard, better graphics, story mode, different kind of difficulty etc.

    Thanks for the comments. Of course, I'll keep adding additional gameplay elements.

  • I have an object which is pinned to an 8-directional player with enabled wrap behavior.

    I also set wrap behavior to pinned object but when player leaves layout (and reappears on other side) the pin object is lost.

    How can I fix that?


  • I pushed quite a few updates since the upload and I'm still looking to make this game better. All comments and suggestions are still more than welcome.

  • No problem. I once spent a few hours figuring out why my layout reset doesn't work

  • Did you put a condition on start of layout > set health back to max?

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  • Hello!

    This is my first game - RGB Asteroids: It's an Asteroids clone with some additional gameplay elements. I would appreciate comments and/or suggestions.

    Thank you!

  • Hello everybody!

    I just uploaded my first game on Kongregate: It took me a week or so to develop.

    RGB Asteroids is a Asteroids clone , with some added game elements. Asteroids are colored and you need to change the color of your spaceship in order to destroy them. You can change your spaceship color to red, green and blue (RGB), so for example in order to destroy purple asteroid you need to hit it twice (with blue an red). All color combinations can be seen in game instructions.

    All comments and suggestions are more than welcome.

    Thank you!

  • Oh, OK. I'm not sure how to do this, but you will probably have to use two sprites. Maybe try with overlapping?

  • Maybe you can try with collision polygons? Look at this example:

    When cursor collides with sprite than the sprite is destroyed.

    In sprite editor i edited the collision polygon and cursor can go through the sprite.

  • Sorry I just figured it out. I used both object behavior and family behavior so it created problems. I deleted all object behaviors and now it works like a charm. Thanks!