Kraudi's Forum Posts

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  • Hey guys.

    Would be great if some of you can test the performance of the newest indev version.

    What is new?

    ? Added second slot in UI (Slots can be changed trough mouse wheel)

    ? Little mine and chop animation

    ? Added little particle if player is on ground and moving

    ? Grass is growing up again after block is destroyed

    ? Added Save/Load (Press F1 to see keybindings)

    ? Trees regrow now between ~150-550secs

    Here is the download link:


  • Thank you guys!

    Newest additions:

    ? Added axe

    ? Chop trees with the axe

    ? Trees drop sapplings which you can plant

    ? Trees grow up at an random time interval

    ? Trees drop wood which you can use to build as a block

    ? Zoom out button where you can see more of the world


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    Plant tree

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  • Just worked on flower generation, clouds,prettier UI and some visuals for energy and health.

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  • Hey guys.

    I am searching 8x8 sprites for my 2d sandbox adventure game. maybe some terrain blocks, tools (pickaxe, sword) and some other rpg like sprites.

    Dou you know any resource sites?

    Thank your and regards


  • Hey guys.

    I am working on a 2D sandbox game. Not much info for now. I'm working on the engine so there is not much to test right now.

    What is in this first test build?

    • Terrarin generation
    • Tree generation
    • Inventory should work (Button or Shortcut "I"

    (Note that there are only 3 items you can have right now. It's Pickaxe, sword and Dirt block)

    • Sword is only visually for the moment
    • Dig the dirt with equipped pickaxe should work
    • Build dirt with equipped dirt blocks
    • Doublejump integrated
    • Shift to Run (For a short time)
    • F1 includes little console stuff

    Thanks and regards

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  • Just added three different difficulties to my game

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  • Little update:

    ? Fixed a lot of bugs

    ? Added three different difficulties

    (Added three regions instead of the words easy, moderate and hard)

    ? Added a chance of getting a bonus attack if you have an attack icon in one of the four slots

    ? Works now on iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5C & 5S

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  • Very clean. How exactely is a dungeon working? You have 9 squares, you click on one random to progress, finding a chest or a monster?

    For the moment yes. Not very deep gameplay wise right now. There will may some more depth in the future.

    I definitely try to make a very very simple touch game which isn't complicated at all. So it's not that easy to add deep gameplay elements. There are still some elements which I try to figure out how to implent.



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  • Hey everyone!

    I've just managed to reach a "good" stage with the UI of the game.

    Mainly I focused on fixing bugs and getting everything work together.

    There are also some new features. Some of them you can see on the preview shots I've taken.

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