Kraudi's Forum Posts

  • played v2 again...

    things i noticed:

    cant find "close-map" button ^^

    left hand should be down if there´s no flashlight or else...

    crafting hint (hover) is different to the others

    maybe you should use the noise-fx to warn the player (enemys arround) and not always

    i really miss some soundeffects ^^

    Thanks for feedback

    • Map is completely changed in next version. Close button will be there for sure Right now press M again to close.

    • Animations will be changed at a later points

    • Crafting ui is slightly changed now. Instead of icons you will have a text based list where you can select what you want to draft

    • Some sound effects will be added the next couple of days. Already have about 10 new sounds in repertoire

    Kraudi i think you should just put fences around the area you can't walk on, because it's too dark and sometimes i walk and i don't know if i'm really walking or not when i reach the place that i can't walk on or through.

    You are right. There will be fences around the map:) Thanks will be added to one of the next updates.

    These changes are some things I've worked on and finished!

    • Added pistol and ammo

    • Added axe (as weapon or to chop trees)

    • Added screwdriver as weapon

    • You can chop trees (Gives 1 Log right now)

    • Zombies can now be killed (Infight or with pistol) **Very work in progress**

    • You can now die (At the end the game tells you how long you have survied)

    • Added map

    • Added stamina

    • Player speed slightly increased

    There are also some more zombies on the map. Should be about 15 (in v2 was only 3). I am still working on the AI and they are still work in progress. Also don't wonder that the map isn't much filled yet. It is about 15-20% complete.

  • Your maps seem to be really big! Is there any way to travel faster once nearly everything is discovered?

    Map is at 10.000 in both directions. It sounds big but it really isn't it when you can walk in nearly 2-3 mins to the other side of the map. I may let the player explore other maps as well as Construct 2 can't handle maps like 30.000. Haven't decided yet and I firstly need to figure out what I can do with C2 limitations.

    Edit: Pistol and Ammo added Shooting does also work.

  • Map system is now fully implented.

    I don't want it to be as easy as in most other games where you have a complete map right from the start.

    This map system records all ways you are walking with your character and shows it on a map.

    I may keep track of buildings you were in. Haven't decided.

    You can see at which points of the map you already were and which you were not. Simple but serve the purpose.

  • i love the style. game play feels a little bit slow (even for this "realistic" kind of game) but its my personal opinion.

    whats about the players mental status? fear, panic, etc.? that would be cool ^^

    really nice project

    Thank you

    Player mental status sounds cool. Maybe with some antidepresiva pills you can loot

  • Looks a bit like my project for the survival aspect, nicely done! I also like the artstyle.

    This is my project:

    Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> I have also seen your game over at IndieDB quite some time ago. Really interesting what you can do with C2 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Good luck with it. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

  • Kraudi Well i'd like to see some guns, like a pistol or something, and maybe a Stamina bar?

    Well, i think that's it for now, i ran out of good ideas, i'm sure you'll come up with some great ideas for the game

    Stamina bar is on the way. You can already walk quicker while pressing Shift. I also plan that the max stamina can raise over the time.

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  • Kraudi Awesome!, I'm really looking forward to this game, because i have a thing for survival games

    The same for myself Love these games. Any things u would like to see?

  • Kraudi My performance is fine, although i don't have a super good pc

    And no i don't know about the map system, i'm just a beginner

    Glad to hear that performance is okay. There's still some things I can optimize at a later point.

    Next on the list will be adding some items including an axe which you can use to chop down trees. Chop down trees will also increase that radius where zombies can see/hear you.

    After that I plan on finishing up the map and continue work on AI along with the fighting system (Maybe a knockback system). Don't know how long this gonna take.

  • Cool!, thanks for updating the link

    Could you add some music or ambient sounds

    you can go to and find some, that site is amazing!

    Also how do i go to fullscreen? because the size of the game in my browser is kinda really small (i'm using google chrome)

    EDIT: you should rename "Water" to "Water Bottle"

    Thank you

    Fullscreen isn't implented yet. Next version I will add a shortcut to it.

    Sound will be added in the next steps. It's on my list:)

    The water thing is noticed, thanks for that:D

    By the way. How is your performance?

    And do you have any ideas how the map system can me implented? It's just WIP right now.

  • There should a maximum size for the flashlight light, because you can scale it to 0 or something like that and i don't think that's realistic.

    also in the dropbox version the options button doesn't work


    Flashlight thing will be added:)

    Edit: I have uploaded the indev v2 version to dropbox!


    W, S - Move

    Move mouse - Rotate

    Left click - Attack

    C - Crafting

    B - Inventory

    M - Map

    ESC - Menu

    T - Toggle Flashlight



  • UI update for my zombie survival game!

  • Hello!

    Little update over weekend!

    UI update

    Added pause menu

    Save/Load is also added!

    Added map

  • After some break I started doing the first steps on adding the AI.

    It is very basic atm and I haven't that much experience with AI in Construct 2.

    The AI is right now walking around in the map and when they see the player, they will be alerted and walk his way.

    You can hide behind walls, trees or cars for the moment. They remain alerted for some seconds but when they still don't see the player, they move on randomly. This does fully work but there are some bugs in the pathfinding If you go into a house.

    Also the zombies walk into each other even they are solids. (I just can't regenerate the obstacle map every 0.1 secs when zombies move (Heavy fps lag). I have added some random values, so they don't all have the very same walking line.

    I'll try to finish this up. Maybe you have some solutions for the "walk into each other" part.

  • Little update from yesterday


    You can also not look out of a house now. Additionally you can also not look inside a house other than walk in

  • nice update ! thought the camera could be a bit more away too

    well looks like you had alot of work with this one , im interested to what this will get when its done

    Thank you.

    I have quite some problems with the zoom level with some sprites. They flicker always at the edge. Don't know where this comes from.

    I tried turning Pixel rounding on/off but the change is not quite there. Don't know how to solve this.

    I also experimenting with the lighting not going trough walls. But no elegant solution yet there.