Kraudi's Forum Posts

  • wow its really nice !

    i wish you good luck with it

    Thank you

    I have added a blur effect around the player and I also increased the map size x2.5. Map is now set at 10.000 in both directions.

    Some other effects testing

  • i need to play this!

    I also changed that you can only see the loot when you are in nearr distance to it.

    This was made so you have to search for loot and not see it straight.

    But as I told. It is really far from being a "game".

    You can:

    • Walk around

    • Use items

    • Drop items to the ground

    • You can found some loot (Not random for now)

    • Life system should work for the most part (But you can't die yet )

    • You can break doors (Right click) With a knife or flashlight you can break doors down quicker.

    • Eat, Drink and Heal.

    • Craft 2 items

    • Inventory should work (There can be some problems sometimes)

    That should do it for now.


    EDIT: i know it's a top-down game, but can we customize our hair and hair colour or shirt colour?

    This shouldn't be a problem to add.



  • > I'm looking into the possibilites of moving from a pre made map to a procedural generated one.


    > It's a very tough challenge to do with C2. Don't know if I can work things out.


    That would be a better.

    What I did is design the entire map in its entirety and break it up into sections using instance variables to demarcate areas etc.

    Then save all objects positions/sections/etc to an array (download it) then in game load that json into array. Then when user moves to new town etc it loads all that data and builds the town/street whatever. I didn't get further than that as client abandoned project. But if memory serves me correctly it worked pretty well.

    Yep. That's may a method. The problem should be the road parts which should be logical connected. Haven't looked into this at this point.

  • I'm looking into the possibilites of moving from a pre made map to a procedural generated one.

    It's a very tough challenge to do with C2. Don't know if I can work things out.

  • Hello! Some new things.

    • Doors can now be broken differently in term of the time when a door will be broken.

    You need about 35 hits with your hands and much less using tools in your hand (Knife, flashlight etc.)

    • Started to make my own item graphics. These are the first ones!

    • Secondly I've changed the graphic style to match the apocalypse feeling (less contrast level etc)

    • At last I started to work on a simple crafting system. There are only 2 things to craft right now and it works except some small issues I'm working on.



  • Been playing a lot of dayz sa, something to consider is hiding the ui (health/hydration/food) or toggle and have little messagesappear bottom screen as certain levels of percent are reached.

    Reason is, I presume this is for mobile or tablet, and it will allow more space so player can see loot etc

    footprints caused by walking through blood - cool

    Thanks. Hiding UI is already implented by pressing H

    The game will not be for mobile one I think. It is just a hard time with the performance. Nearly impossible to reach my goal with a good map size, all those features in a mobile game.

  • A couple of things which I was working on:

    • Two time performance boost

    • Optimized the graphics

    • Added footmarks if the players walks over blood

    • The roofs now only hides when the players is in a house

    • Improved Day/Night change

    • Added some furniture stuff

    • Rearanged the UI

    • Changed text font

  • Added some little shooting / walking animations.

  • Thanks

    Here are some ingame

  • You need to search for 2d architectural furniture

    Architects actually have tons of assets they use in there fly throughs. Autocad, revit etc

    You can get cd's of the stuff for example

    Edit: game looking fantastic.

    Thank you. Those look very good. But a bit too expensive right now. But thanks they definitely inspired me.

    Here are some things I have made in the past.

    I think it could be much more worse. At least you can see what it does describe

  • Hey guys,

    I just search for some top-down sprites which are in a very basic graphic style to match my new game


    I search for furniture (bed, table, chair, kitchen etc.) as well as all other things I may need for a survival game.

    Anyone knows a good source? Most of it I have found are pixel style. But that doesn't really match my game



  • Anyone here knows where I do find some furniture sprites which are painted in simple style to match the game style?

    I'll search for kitchen, beds, tables, chairs etc. Quite time robbing doin all those stuff while working on the game.

    Would be nice if anyone knows a source.

    Game wise I was able to boost the performance and I also added doors to the game. You have to break down the locked doors (Action via right-mouse click). I also changed some sprites and some terrain tilesets.


  • ,

    I guess it would be easier to play the demo and then tell you about things that are "missing".

    Are there going to be enemies?

    Sure but right now there is not much content except some buildings and about 7 or 8 items.

    The plan is to have some kind of random loot and I'm also plan on adding enemies (Zombies and maybe some NPC Human Fighters) but that also depends on how good I can manage to get the AI done. (Also performance wise)

    Also C2 is very limited in big maps and performance so I have to look into the possibilities for the world size as well.

    I would also love to integrate an easy to use crafting system but I'm not sure about it yet.

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  • Any items/gameplay mechanics you would like to see?