Koronello's Forum Posts

  • Audio >> Properties >> Play in background >> No

    is that it???

    I checked that and it's already turned off. It stops playing when minimized but while holding the X button down, it continues while the rest of the game freezes

  • So I'm working on a rhythm game and it seems to be going alright but I found out something that ruins it all and thats when you hold click on the X button of the window, it freezes the entire game except for the audio which completely causes everything to be out of sync. Is there a way to disable the normal window buttons when the game is exported as a standalone executable so that there is no X button to click? Or is there a way to make the audio also stop while holding the mouse click down on the X?

  • So I have a few tilemaps each in their own respective layer, one for walk-through tiles and one for collisions, etc. My question is if there's a way to have a tilemap in a layer where if an object moves above(behind) the tiles in the tilemap, his zlayer moved behind it. And if the object is below(in front) of the tile he'll move in front of it. I know this is easily doable with one object in relation to another but is there any way to have this apply to all tiles individually in a tilemap?

  • That worked perfectly, thanks !

  • So I have a top down RPG I'm working on and camera scrolling on the character works fine with big layouts and all. The problem is that I have objects that I want to remain on the screen without being affected by the camera scrolling such as a health bar in the top right, etc etc. How do I go about keeping them from moving?

  • So I tried that and the pinning works fine and everything, but I still get the same issue. Here's my current project file Project File

    So if you walk straight down into the bottom and then walk diagonally in directions it'll sometimes collide with a gap and sometimes no gap.

  • When I do that, my character rotates with the 8 direction object. I want that object to rotate to keep track of my angle but I don't want the player animation to rotate. Shouldn't the every tick set position method work the same way though?

  • So I have collisions "working" somewhat but my character doesn't always collide perfectly. Sometimes when I walk into a wall, he stops with a slight gap between him and the wall and sometimes he collides fully against it. I'm trying to get him to always collide fully against it. Here's my project file, so far I'm just trying to get movement exactly as I have shown here with collisions working perfectly. Project File

  • I tried to open that but it says it was made in a newer version of Construct but my Construct Classic is the latest version.

  • So I'm making a game where most of the sprites are 16x16 and the total layout size is just 320 x 288. Everything works fine except that at runtime, the window and entire game is extremely small because It's going by pixels on my computer screen. I can fix this by making the window adjustable and just manually making the window larger but how can I make the game start out like this at runtime?

  • Well Alpha isn't in Construct Classic and this is really terrible because I can't seem to edit any of my sprites on my project. And even if I open a new project this problem persists...It's like my sprite editor in CC just broke out of nowhere.

  • I'm sorry, but I don't really know what you mean by that. I'm still new to this program.

  • So I've started working on a game but and everything has been working great as far as making sprites. Just randomly though I can't seem to get anything to happen in the sprite editor. I select pen tool and color and it just doesn't draw anything, same thing with the other tools. Even restarting construct didn't fix it.

    The shape tools seem to be the only thing that work.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks, using a retro style base template worked perfectly.

  • So I'm dealing with very small sprites(4 x 4) and I want them to remain very pixelly, however they get smoothed out big time. When I'm in the sprite editor it looks exactly how I want it to but once it's on the layout and at runtime it gets smoothed out and blurry.