Koronello's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the tips. The game I'm working on is fairly simple so I'm just putting together a probably inefficient method but it works.

    And hey Tokinsom, it is Mario!

    I just started getting into Construct, and so far I like it.

  • Thanks for the help, I figured out my own way to use custom left and right movement.

    Now To get simple spikes working

  • What would be the most effective way to make a metroidvania type map system where every screen connects to the others. Also similar to how megaman levels are but without the long screen transition.

    I don't think having one huge layout that just scrolls around would work.

    Should I use multiple layouts for every screen?

    I've tried many things involving multiple layouts and none of them work.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm starting a game project that is going to be somewhat similar to "I wanna be the guy",only with a bit more features and more in depth.

    Now I'm familiar with programming in basic and c++ but I am not familiar with this program.

    I want there to be four objects, a spike facing right, left, up, and down. I want them to react so that when I step under the down spike it falls, above the up spike it rises, etc, etc. How would I go about doing this so that if I were to copy and paste four of the same type of spike, they wouldn't ALL move at the same time when I step in the zone of one of them.

    I have one more very simple question and that is how can I get rid of the built in horizontal acceleration in the platform behavior. I want to move a set speed right when I press left or right and stop RIGHT when I let go.

    Please if you have a solution or advice, let me know.
