There seems to be an issue with Construct that I'm not sure if it can be worked around or if it's an oversight or if it's some kind of standard procedure I don't understand, but when I create an object (or destroy it, but I haven't tested that recently) any sort of event following the creation will be ignored. It seems to me any creation event is queued until all the code has finished, then the object is created.
The problem with this is for instance if I have several animation frames in a sprite but I want it to start on a particular one upon creation. The sprite will appear, though it will flash in its initial frame for a single tick. This is the visual indicator, any event such as setting its position or size following that event, but not within that event, won't affect the object until the next tick.
My great issue with this is the removal of being able to create several objects and have several conditions in the same event affect all the newly created objects. I have an event that follows now that if it's not 1 it will set all the values I want right after creation, then it sets the value to 1, and this event immediately follows the creation event, but is ignored until the following tick.
Now I might have several of these events through the code that have an identical condition, but as it sets the value to 1 it should only affect the ones I want, but if it doesn't work for the same tick it will always pick the topmost event for all the created objects of the same sprite. I used this approach of value-setting back with Multimedia Fusion as well, and that program created objects at the same line of code as the event that asks it.
It would be really nice and comfortable if objects were created and destroyed at their actual line of code rather than before each tick renders a picture, and I don't quite understand how this approach was chosen to begin with.
EDIT: A way around it is probably to make a single creation run several times over, but I think it still messes up the animation frames. And it just makes more sense for objects to create and have values set at the line of code where the event is.