konjak's Forum Posts

  • Great work guys!

    Maybe it was stated and I missed it, but does the Z-ordering make the objects "parallax" according to the scrolling. Like if they're closer they'll pan faster, and the opposite.

  • But it's called "Assembly"... ?

    Assembly is a programming language...

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  • It's cosmetic, I will live with stretching for now.

  • I am either asking for a feature or looking for a way how to do this:

    Imagine I am able to stretch a line between A and B and I want this line to have texture; an image. This line can then be angled in all 360�. What would look better is something like the Tiled Backdrop object that can change size of itself but not the image, that also can be at an angle, as stretching the original image of the object can look iffy.

    Is there already a way to do this? If not, it would be neat if you could rotate those backdrop objects (or preferrably but making less sense, let sprites be able to tile so I can still have animation frames, but that's just my own greed).


  • I'd imagine it being optional as games have already implemented the old system.

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  • I'm just going to list some things I wish the Picture editor had, some have probably already been suggested to you.

    * The background image (the white and grey squares) should be able to be relative to the pixel size of the zoom, it would make workig with small art a lot easier. Like, the squares are 4x4 at 4x zoom.

    * Being able to pick the transparent color! Being able to draw with it would make work more efficient with being able to just use the Pencil and Ctrl+click in the outside area to get the transparency, and also being able to use the other tools for it to draw translucent pixels (making alpha edges and stuff). Right now only the eraser seemingly is able to do this. And erasing larger areas would be better with the Paint Bucket than the Magic Wand.

    * View the alpha image?

    * Being able to resize the image along with the canvas.

    * I heard you're going to add it, but man do I want to be able to write in the exact numbers for hotspots!

    That's quite a few things, but I still felt I had to suggest them. Hopefully you find it feasible!


  • I know I can manage it with family manager, but this was just an idea to automatically make it easier once you have several families for an object with a lot of values and keeping track of names within them.

    I could throw the family name into the variables by hand, I guess, but I was just thinking there could be an automatic option of sorts.

    I guess it was a redundant suggestion.

  • I was just thinking that, in a way to avoid problems with using multiple Families on one object and just for a sense of certainty overall, assigning a variable to an entire family, and then calling it should always require the name of the Family within the variable name in some way.

    Example of how it is now, if the Family has a variable called ******* and I want to call it:


    But I was thinking it would work better and without complications with multiple families if it was like:


    The family name could be automatically forced upon the variable in the Event Sheet, not that you have to add the family name to the variable name when you name the variable.

    It's just a suggestion that would make handling variables with families a lot easier, and avoid conflictions. Hopefully such a thing is not too late to add, or at least in a "checkbox option"-kind of way.

  • Thanks for the tips!

  • Thanks for the suggestion! I threw some variables around and got something working fine enough. But I was considering what you said with moving half the width/height, but a problem is it's a 360-degree movement.

    It might be hard to implement but something like being able to tell how much a bounding box is overlapping something else and from what side, X and Y respectively, would be ace... then forcing back that amount with a single event.

    Somebody mentioned Flash has something similar to that. But I'm managing as it is.

    As an aside, what is the difference between "advanced" collision/overlap and the normal?

  • Hmmm, that sounds interesting.

    Might look into it if I can't get it better with my own code, thanks!

  • I was just sort of wondering about something in general how people do their movement/collisions. I usually have the approach that basically boils down to moving one pixel at a time inside a loop looping X amount of times, and I think most people use that.

    But for this one instance in this project of mine I want the character to be able to close-to-instantly move to a designated spot on the screen, with collisions, but no matter how I try to use the same-old approach to moving there quickly with pixel-perfect collision I seem to get the slightest of framerate-drops. I assume this is because considering the distance sometimes to move every screen-refresh can be upwards of 200+ pixels each time.

    But I know that for example a game like Smash Brothers has done this for the Fox and Falco characters (forward+B), and they clearly pulled it off. My game doesn't even have anything but the main character yet!

    So I'm wondering if anyone has a tip for a speed-efficient way to do this. Maybe I have something wrong somewhere in my code that adds to this (it's not TimeDelta related and being run much more often than needed, and the collisions are "bounding box"), but it doesn't seem that way and checking for collisions 200-300+ times before moving seems bad practice overall.


  • Hey, thanks for appreciating me! Let us make games in a big happy family!