klkitchens's Forum Posts

  • dop2000 - Thanks very much. Trying to figure out how to remove cocoon from C2 project and how to add C3 addons...

  • While I understand the reasons the team went with the subscription model, I like most users aren't a fan of this... especially as all my apps are going this route...(Adobe was bad enough, now Office, Quicken, Construct)... Feel like I'm getting nickle and dimed, but oh well. I DO understand the developers POV too.

    (a better compromise would be sign up for a year... and then at the end of the year, you keep the version you have in perpetuity... If you want to upgrade/bug fix, you pay for another subscription period. This allows folks to not feel on the hook for ever -- especially for sporadic users, while also getting funding from those that use it regularly. Some of my other software tools function exactly like this and it's very convenient for budgeting. Telerik, Resharper, etc...) But I digress. (EDIT: Guess this won't work since the software is online, not on your computer... nevermind)

    Trying to decide between C3 and just learning Unity (already a C# developer). Got a mostly complete game done in C2 that I was going to convert as I started hitting hurdles. But evaluated C3 back in 2017 (wow, 2017!), but it was still early days and not so impressive as the feature set looks now.

    So I'm assessing now and have a few questions...

    1. Any upgrade path/discount for the first year for C2 owners?

    2. What constitutes a "business". I make money as a business/web developer, but not developing games -- that is a hobby. Do I still qualify for the personal license until I 'make it big'?

    3. Tried to import a .capx I have, but got tagged on two plugins. One was Cocoon.js and the other was called "date" (or rex_date). I searched in the plugins folder to no avail. Do I need to remove those from the capx in order to import or are they available elsewhere?


  • > But I would recommend utilizing spritefonts, you will have a lot more control over the appearance.


    I would not. They are a pain in the **** Better to use webfonts:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/237/ho ... -web-fonts

    Webfonts work on Mobile?

    Do they work with direct export from Construct to Cordova to Phonegap?

    Tutorial shows an Xcode intermediary step.

  • (originally posted and deleted in "How Do I...", sorry my bad!)

    Wow... getting back to my project and it seems the last build I did on PhoneGap was TWO years ago. So it seems stuff may have changed. First the old version of the code uploaded to phonegap didn't build anymore because some plugins were deprecated. So I created a new build in Construct, uploaded the zip file and after remedying the license issues, the build was on.

    But then when I put it on my iPhone and iPad, the icon was incorrect, the game didn't play right (as it does in the browser when testing). On the iPhone the music just started overplaying itself. On the iPad it didn't play the music at all, but when I went to the main game screen, it just froze.

    I know this is vague, but it's just odd. It's not a project thing so much as a build thing. Is there a current tutorial for how to build for PhoneGap and what new pitfalls and tricks there might be?

    I checked the tutorial and everything is there as is. Only thing I can think of is that some 3rd party plugins no longer work? I will remove them I guess and try a vanilla-ish build.


  • Good point, there's not currently any particular way to do that. I'll update the manual and add a condition for the next build.

    Edit: actually, it returns an empty string, not 0. If you try to convert an empty string to a number you'll get NaN. There are also existing conditions to check if a key exists, or you can check if the key returned an empty string before trying to convert to a number.

    Thanks... yeah, found a tutorial from September of this year and am now using the key exists calls to verify first... working like a charm.


  • The manual shows that when requesting a key that doesn't exist, the call will return a 0, however it's return NaN (not a number).

    Is there a way I can test if the value is NaN?

  • For my first project, which is coming to a close I hope, I've settled on PhoneGap for deployment. Works fine for me and deploys easily. Seems each exporter has different limitations which can be a pain of course.

    PhoenGap cannot use the GameCenter plugin when using the BUILD tool online, which I am. So I'm leaving that out for now, unless the other Achievements tool (third party) works with PhoneGap... have to check.

    In PG, the browser plug-in does not want to link to my site. Is there a way to shell to a browser and bring up a webpage via other means?

    Also, is it possible to write XML files? I know I can read them, but I'd like to be able to update them as well in the app. In relation to this, what's the best way to save/read a preferences/options file? I was going to use XML, but if I cannot write that out, it's no good.


  • Yeah, I had to go with PhoneGap for mine.

  • Thanks for the information While waiting I did something reasonably close. I'd read that link before but it's pretty vague, but I did alter the font size based on the resolution and that got me past that hurdle. The bars are really that big a deal for this app.

  • So I've created my app (very simple app, but does what I need)... and I export to PhoneGap (Cocoon and EJecta won't work for me as I'm using Textboxes and XML plugin -- found THAT out after the fact)

    Fortunately PhoneGap works great for the most part. It's not a complex app at all and doesn't require much speed.

    However, when I run on the iPad, it looks just fine.

    When I run on iPhone 5, the fonts in the textboxes are all too large. I tried changing from pixel size in the CSS settings to "em" sizes, to no avail. On the iPhone the fonts are just too huge for the smaller screen.

    Anyone know of a good solution for this? I'm essentially looking up data in an XML database and displaying in various text fields on the screen.

    I'd also like the iPhone to not put the black bars on the right and left of the app (landscape only), gonna try some of the other "Fullscreen in Browser" options now to see what that does for me...

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  • Is this possible?

    I'd like a control where I can post text using basic HTML markup like BOLD, underline, fonts, etc...

    Have some pre-formatted text I'd like to display.


  • How did you manage to do this?

    Did you do it all in C2?

    Yep. Add a TextBox and then in the properties set its type to TextArea.

    Then in the event page for the sheet, there is an action for setting CSS... basically you just set "color" to "white" or "background-color" to "purple" or whatever you like. "font-size", "font-weight", "border"...

  • Is there an HTML object/plugin, where I can add HTML-formatted text for display?

  • never mind...


    Type: TextArea

    Then set all the CSS properties for font, color, etc. in events.

    Scrolling happens automatically. Thanks!

  • I want to create a help page layout like most iOS games I've seen where the user can simply scroll the text up and down inside a view port on the screen... or the whole screen if need be.

    Is this possible?

    I don't need the whole layout to scroll (like an arcade game), just let the user scroll up and down the text as they read.