kiugetski's Forum Posts


    when people play we can see shaky movements does anyone know why it does shaky movement ?

  • is it possible to make an infinite space map ? like chunks a

    so when player move it load new chunks and unload others

  • are you trying to make a multishot ? if so i can show you how to

  • You need to right click and edit the event group and uncheck start as active, rather than disable the events in the group.

    If your group is already starts as active and all the events within it are disabled, then activating the group will not do anything.

    Ty so much

    one of the best answer ive seen so far with explications as well

    ty a ton it work

  • it seem like this script dont want to turn on group why

    have i done anything wrong ?

    | Global string GAME_NAME? = MP_Space

    | Global string INSTANCE_NAME? = Default

    | Global string ROOM_NAME? = Main

    + System: On start of layout

    -> Multiplayer: Connect to signalling server "wss://"

    -> debug: Set text to "Connecting to signalling server"

    + Multiplayer: On signalling connected

    -> Multiplayer: Log in with alias "1"

    -> debug: Set text to "Connecting with username 1"

    + Multiplayer: On signalling logged in

    -> Multiplayer: Join room ROOM_NAME for game GAME_NAME instance INSTANCE_NAME (max peers: 0)

    -> debug: Set text to "joining room"

    + Multiplayer: Is in room

    -> debug: Set text to "now in room"

    + Multiplayer: On signalling joined room

    ----+ Multiplayer: Is host

    -----> System: Set group "Host" Activated

    ----+ System: Else

    -----> System: Set group "Peer" Activated

    + Multiplayer: On signalling disconnected

    -> debug: Set text to "disconnected"


    ----+ [DISABLED] System: Every tick

    -----> [DISABLED] debug: Set text to "You are host"

    ----+ [DISABLED] Keyboard: D is down

    -----> [DISABLED] Sprite: Simulate 8Direction pressing Right


    ----+ [DISABLED] System: Every tick

    -----> [DISABLED] debug: Set text to "You are peer"

  • damageVar*2+(damageVar*(percentageVar/100))

    For reference, "%" refers to the modulo operator in C2/3s expressions

    oh ok ty

  • the % is a variable that can change ...

    it can be a 1726 % as well ...

  • so for example i want to calculate my damage x 2 + 275 %

    but in construct 3 it seem i cant use % whats wrong ?

    i guess it would have to be damage x 2 + (275 x 100)

    because when it a crit hit it double and do the crit dmg also

  • Ah bullet hell pattern.

    > Say hell-o to bullet: ... .capx?dl=0


    hehe thats cute <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • I don't want to do the scirra multiplayer as it's not really helping me to truly understand what it all do ...

    I want a slow step by step tutorial that will truly help me to understand the basics

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Can you post a picture of the code because I might add that to my game.

    Sure with Great pleasure, I've made a tutorial for it my friend super simple <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    super easy to build and to customize for whatever skills type you want and I may develop more skills type tutorials in the future as well

    if you need anymore details to be added on any of my tutorials just contact me and ill review my tutorial for you <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    its all good now i got it to work perfectly

  • use trigger once or put it in a trigger.

    also if it is a long sample you might want to stop the sound before playing it again to stop overlapping and phase effects.

    this is the awnser i was also going to give

  • so you mean it repeat non stop as soon as you click ?