kittiewan's Forum Posts

  • I don't think the bullet behavior is making your sprite rotate so turning off rotation in the bullet behavior shouldn't do anything in this case. I think it is just the rotate behavior that is causing the sprite to rotate. To test that out I set rotation speed to 0 on the sprite on the top left, but made the bullet angle of motion change every tick. The sprite does not rotate at all. The top right sprite has the same change to bullet angle plus the rotate speed set to 180. The one in the top center is your origninal.


    (I misunderstood what your problem was at first--didn't see it was a bug report and thought you were asking for help-- and created an indendent rotation through animation and just left it there. You can see it on the bottom three sprites. (The one on the right has rotation of the bullet, rotation from the rotate behavior and rotation through animation.)

  • Nice start! I love adventure games.

    1) I agree that you should get rid of the Next button. It is extremely annoying.

    2) There is a typo in the conversation with Nic -- change:

    stop waisting my...'hic'...-ing time...


    stop wasting my...'hic'...-ing time...

    3) When Brat tries to do something that doesn't work will you provide some feedback? For example, talk to the plane does nothing. Brat could say something touching to the plane like "Good-bye, old friend." or "I don't make a habit of speaking to inanimate objects."

    Hope to see more!

  • Hooray!

  • Look in the object's actions for the Bullet actions group, and under that choose Set angle of motion and provide the desired angle.

    Also the expression Sprite.Bullet.AngleOfMotion where Sprite is the name of your bullet object lets you get the bullet's current bullet angle of motion.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I don't think you are reading what I am saying or looking at the example I took the time to provide. In the example there is only one sprite with the bullet behavior. Let me repeat: There is only ONE(1) SPRITE with the bullet behavior!

    However, that single sprite object has TWO (2) bullet behaviors on it. I know it isn't as easy as the solution you WANT, but that doesn't exist. And even though this one sounds weird, it DOES work, and does not allow other objects to pass through the walls even temporarily.

    Here. Let me draw you a picture:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This is a perfect example of why you should post YOUR example so we can help you with YOUR specific case, rather than have to try to guess what you want and have you tell us we didn't guess right.

    EDIT: Sorry if I came off as a bit ticked. I don't mean to. If you still have questions, post a simple capx showing what you are trying to do. It will save everyone a lot of time.

  • Glad my tutorial was helpful!

    Depending on how you want the cards to fan out, you might also want to rotate them slightly. This is easiest if the card origin is somewhere on the bottom (either bottom left, right or center.)

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  • I agree with the others that you need to understand the basics of image editing to make games, if for no other reason than you need to know what to as for when you have others make graphics for you and to make little tweeks when you get them.

    Depending on how you came by the graphics, you may be able to ask to get them with a transparent background, or to get an alpha mask that you can use in image editor to remove the background.You may be able to get someone to make the changes for you, but it is a LOT easier if they have the original files.

  • As usual, there are many ways to do this.

    I think one of the easiest ways is to put a Platform behavior on your enemy, but turn the default controls off. Then when an event occurs you can simulate jump, left and right controls. If the player gets within a certain distance of the slime, simulate right if player.x is greater than slime.x and left control if player.x < slime.x. Here is an example (created with release 93):


    If you haven't checked out JohnnySix's patrolling example in the arcade, you should. Very cool example, and you can download the capx to see how he did it.

  • I'm not sure if this is what you want. There are comments to help you understand it. I made the bars different colors to make it easier to see what is going on, but that doesn't change the event sheet at all.


  • Ashley was not suggesting adding solid behavior to your airplane sprite, but that you turn it off on the wall that the plane is colliding with if you don't want it to bounce at that time.

    In my example the ball goes through the walls when you left click (which turns off bounce off walls) only because the ball was placed in the layout before the walls. If you want it to go over the walls, just move the walls to the bottom of the z order. (Or you could put the ball on a layer above the wall layer.)

    I updated the project so that it has the walls at the bottom. The ball flies right over the walls when you left click, and bounces off the walls when you right click.

    Note that any changes you make to one bullet behavior you should make to the other bullet behavior. That is why I copied the angle of motion from one to the other when switching behaviors. That would also apply to speed.

  • You can also create two bullet behaviors on your sprite -- one with bounce enabled and one disabled as in the following capx.


    Left click to disable bounce, right click to enable. Try to reach the key.

  • You can also use a bunch of solid sprites to create a boundary. Sort of like the platforms in the Rotating Platform example (in the Construct2 Examples directory). The good thing about that approach is that you can move/remove them if you want the excluded area to become accessible (for example if your player makes a boat or a bridge...)

  • Here is an example that I did for someone who had problems with everyone shooting at the same time. Everything happens randomly. You may find it useful.


    On start of layout, creates a random number of enemy sprites at random locations, and then randomly creates new or destroys existing enemies. At random intervales choose an enemy and has it shoot in a random direction. (Ignore the part about the local variable. That was to demonstrate how to handle another problem he was having.)

  • I don't see the pictures. What kind of game are you trying to make? Do you want to move all of the sprites, or some of them or one of them? Are you using any behaviors on your sprites (like platform or 8-direction)?

    Do you have a .capx you can post in dropbox? That is the easiest way for someone to help you.

    I'm happy to help you if you give a little more information.

  • Create a group and also create actions to activate or deactivate that group.

    If you try to change the action to a group that doesn't exist an error is generated, which is as it should be.

    However, if you change the name of the group, the actions are not changed to correspond to the new name, so you can end up with a situation where you are trying to activate or deactivate a group that doesn't exist, with sometimes amusing results.

    GroupNameBug.capx demonstrates the problem. Run it and sprite is created on touch. Now try changing the name of the group. The actions are not changed, and when you run the behavior is quite different from before.

    While this is counter to C2's normally excellent consistency checking, I would rank it fairly low priority in the general scheme of things since, even though you can get some strange behaviors as a result, you don't actually lose anything other than time (or possibly your mind. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">)