kittiewan's Forum Posts

  • If you want standard 54-card deck, you can find a very nice free vector version at

    Otherwise, I make my own graphics. You may be able to find someone to help you with that, or find some free graphics on the internet. There are threads about creating art in this forum, too. One of my favorite site for learning to make game art without having to buy expensive tools is 2d game art for developers

  • Yes, that's what's kept me from trying to do it. I've heart it is on the todo list, but when?

  • There is a very nice free vector deck of cards at

    There are many different kinds of slot machines. Can you link to a video of what you are looking for?

  • Their appearance is precisely why I don't use the button object much. I just use a sprite (or sometimes a sprite + text object). You can create different animations for the up/down/over states if you need them, and have buttons that maintain the style of your game.

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  • If you want to make 2D vector art and can't afford Illustrator:


    (See SpriteAttack's awesome blogspot: 2dgameartforprogrammers.blogspot for some excellent game art tutorials using inkscape.)

    Also, you can render 3d objects to create 2D sprites, too. Here are some free tools in order of increasing learning curve:

    Daz Studio from uses poser-compatible content. Tons of free and paid content at various sites.

    Sketchup Content at the google 3d warehouse.


    There are many more tools. So much depends on what you are trying to do--that is, what kind of game and what style of game art.

  • For static text (text that doesn't change, like the world "score") just make that text into a sprite and display it at the desired location. (The down side is if you get so lucky as to need a translation of your game to other languages, you'll have to make each of these new graphics. You should be so lucky, right?)

    For the dynamic text (text that changes, like the numeric score itself) it is a lot more work. I suppose you could create a sprite with the digits 0-9 and/or the letters of the alphabet. You'd have to deconstruct every number and switch the animation frames.

    IMO it would be easier to use webfonts for the dynamic text. Look and see if you find one that coordinates with your static text. (Here's a tutorial on using webfonts in C2.)

    Note: I'm assuming you are using Construct 2. I don't know enough about classic to comment on it.

  • EDIT: Sorry, didn't see the previous post. Consider this just further explanation!

    If you have the paid version, families sound like the way to go. If not,

    you could have one character sprite with 3 times the animations, and swap the animations based on both the character number and the activity the character is performing. So the run animation for character 1 might be: run_1, while the run animation for character 2 might be run_2, and for character 3 it would be run_3. The idle animations would be idle_1, idle_2, idle_3, etc. Easy to implement since you'd just append the character number on to the end of the animation each time you switch animations.

  • Congratulations on finishing a project. Even if it didn't turn out quite the way you hoped (and what does, really?) it's a major accomplishment!

  • Okay, I changed it. Here is the new capx for my sample project


    The only changes you need to make are to basically replace what is in the Load Music Events event sheet with what is in this new version. (Make sure you backup before you make the changes!)

    Two global variables were added to the event sheet. ReloadLevelMusicAction is the one you change to affect the way reload is handled. If ReloadLevelMusicAction=0, the music restarts when the level is reloaded, if ReloadLevelMusicAction=1 the music continues when the level is reloaded.

  • Hey thanks for all the time you spend... i will spend time looking into it and hopefully learning the lessons...

    The music to the "busker" layout wouldnt start though, or anything i added afterwards... does that mean that this system can only support a certain number of these ?

    Nope. There is no limit. I don't think I played to the busker level.You need to check to make sure that the load music events is included and that there is a correct row in the dictionary (which I think I put in.) Also you need to check to see if there are some other conflicting audio actions using the "music" tag.

    If you don't figure it out, repost it and I'll look at it.

    also is there a way not to restart the track untill the end of the level (that way people get to hear the whole songs as they retry with trial and error)

    Changing the specs on me, are you? I have to think about it. It'll take a change to the load music events sheet. But guess what! You only have to change it in one place to fix all of your layouts!

  • Platform behaviors don't collide with each other.

    Really? I wish I'd known that sooner, because I guess that means that about half of my projects don't actually work--like this one! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Your project is quite impressive. I didn't think you could achieve such results with composite characters in C2 yet.

  • Perfect opportunity to plug my Memory match video tutorial series. You'll find a link to the completed project there if you just want to look at a working example. And you can try it out on the Arcade under Example games.

    Instead of cards you'll use your "holes" for the card back animation and your veggies for the card face animation. Cute!

    Edit: In the globals event sheet you should see where you can change the number of rows and columns and total number of "cards".

  • Your capx is pretty involved. Can you provide a brief description of what you are trying to achieve?

    Is the problem you're having that the level goes black and all that is visible is a couple of text objects? Because that is what is happening for me.

  • Okay, here it is. As I said, I didn't make all of the changes so that you could see how it works.

    Modify the MusicDictionary Events to include an action to add an entry for every layout that you want to play music by copying and pasting each and changing the name of the layout and the name of the music.

    Then for each level you want to play music, open the event sheet, right-click to include the Music Loader Events event sheet, delete any old on start/end of layout events to play/stop audio.

    Milk of Ultra Violet V2.capx

    I didn't get a chance to go through the whole thing, but from what I saw, very interesting style, looks like it could turn out great!

    By the way, when you get a chance you should rename your sprites to have more meaningful names instead of sprite<number>. You'll find it much easier to work with.

    Also, in part because they aren't very attractive, but mostly because it is hard to control their size and position, you might consider eliminating the Button objects and using sprites for the buttons instead. (See my last example with the pink circle "buttons" to see how to do it. this is more work than renaming the sprites, but again may be worth it.

  • Okay. I've made a model to show you what we're going to use for your project. It is much simpler than your project, so it should be easier for you to understand. And you need to understand it because otherwise if you break it you'll have no clue how to fix it. I plan to write up a tutorial for this project, but I don't want to make you wa


    Open it up and run it. You'll see the layout name (Level 1) and four circle buttons. Click on a button and it takes you to the corresponding level (level 1, level 2, level 3 or level 4.) Notice that the music changes each time you change levels.

    Now look at Level Events, which is the event sheet for all of the levels. There is no code to start or stop the music.

    It is all handled in the two included event sheets you see mentioned at the top. The first of the included event sheets puts the names of the layouts and the music they should play in a dictionary. This included only needs to be included in the event sheet for the first layout in your project (your phone layout.)

    The second included event sheet uses the name of the current layout (LayoutName) to play music that it looks up in the dictionary. This event sheet has to be included in the event sheet for every layout that uses the dictionary to lookup and play music.

    So what does this mean to you?

    It helps you organize your project. It means you only have to go to one place to set the music for all of your layouts, much like the list I had you make out. And once you've included the event sheets to load the dictionary and play the music, you don't have to worry about them anymore!

    Now open up MusicDictionary Events and examine it. You'll be creating a Music Dictionary action for every layout in your game. I'll create a few of them for you and you can make the rest so you'll know how to do it.

    I'll also add the event sheets to a few of your layouts and you can do the rest, again so you'll know how to do it.

    By the time you've read this and looked at the project I hope to have your revised project up.

    Oh, and if you look in the forum in Kyatric's How do I Frequently Asked Questions, you'll find Countdown examples.