The Kins's Forum Posts

  • 1 posts
  • An awful lot of posts in this thread, both from users and from Scirra staff, palm off problems as being solved in some vague, undefined future. This does nothing to solve the problems of users in the here and now, and when these problems

    a.) render advertised functionality (iOS exporter, for one notorious example) practically non-functional without the use of live sacrifice or other forbidden magics

    b.) have sat around un-addressed for literal years while the developers work on features that, while cool and flashy, are slightly less important than Making Things Work's hard to maintain faith in the concept of C2 being viable for non-desktop games. It's great that things are finally getting in motion with the Crosswalk partnership, but the Ludei debacle should have been dealt with long ago, and the seeming current attitude of "cross your fingers and hope a thing happens" is extremely discouraging.

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  • 1 posts