It's a browser issue. AFAIK chrome is leading the pack when it comes to HTML5 support.
You could always call the audio through JS on the .html page for more control. AFAIK, audio is only recently being integrated by modern browsers and support is 'eh' all around.
Although pre-loading sounds good.
Collision issues are always fun. :)
Thanks for noting this.
What exactly are you asking or expecting?
so beautiful.
Set loop off and set frame progression on a variable.
There's probably an easier way.
I am not certain what is being asked.
Most games handle 'hitboxes' as transparent rectangles in zones around the sprite.
Meaning; collision doesn't take place on the actual sprite.
As for combos,
variable triggers and animations should work.
Maybe this?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
A .capx file will help you being helped. :)
Try this
OR- by Wastrel
Just to note, I have checked my Android and I do not have this issue.
All I needed to hear.
Thanks. :)
The only thing you really need to do is include some 'physical' buttons for your player to be able to touch.
Hope that's what you meant. :)
Is this possible?
i.e. click the menu button on the android in my app and have a custom set menu I have built?
<font size="5">!!!</font>
I hope I can figure this one out. It's perfect for what I need.
Thanks a lot for all the work you do for the community Rex. :)
You too, Weishaupt!
Edit: Wow! My game logic is so much simpler now! Thanks again.