kenli's Forum Posts

  • Wii U Exporter? It seems interesting :)

  • I don't think it needs a new exporter, simply export with HTML5 and add new assets according to there no need to edit runtime .js, simply add images for arcadeArt and create a manifest JSON file.

    Then, compress them to .zip and upload, that's all.

    (I haven't tested it, but try it)

    Thanks Joannesalfa for sharing with us :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Ashley, how about Atari API Integration/Exporter for now?

    From Atari's developer site , HTML5 Game Developer can submit their games now.

    This is great opportunity for us, Construct 2 Developer, and can be alternative to other marketplace like Kongregate, Newsground, and so on. :)

    Hopefully, it will be added to Construct to-do list development.

  • Awesome JoyfulDreamer !

    Really appreciate your work :)

  • Hi r4dicaldreamer , you can find great resource how to make your website in this site:

    Not only about website, you can find big list of everything related to gamedev like sounds, arts, programming, game engine, and so on on this website. :)

  • Welcome tshirtbooth to Construct 2 and this forum :)

  • Cheers all. Just a quick update: we're exploring what it would take to integrate BB10 exporting directly into the IDE, which is a fantastic step forward in simplifying the process for C2 developers.

    I've also being playing with the plugin SDK, though it relies on the exporter, will aim to have some options available for initial platform functionality.

    It would be great to hear from this community as to what is important to you. Currently I am targeting Payment and BlackBerry Messenger (specifically sharing your application via BBM contacts as that is one of the best ways to get visibility.) If there are any specific BB10 APIs you'd like to see integrated, please let me know and I'll use the feedback as best as I can regarding priority.

    It's great to hear that WaterlooErik

    Yes, that 2 features is most important now.

    Payment (with PayPal) and BBM integration.

    Payment API, is it mean we can use In-Game Purchase for our HTML5 games with BlackBerry WebWorks SDK?

    I'm just wondering, is it possible to make a achievement system using BBM Status or BlackBerry Games with HTML5 BB WebWorks SDK? or Leaderboard using friendlist of our BBM contact? :)

  • Great work austin , i wanna try it first :)

  • awesome, i'm looking for this on CC :)

  • Typing Game (r115)

    Quickest way of answering you in the short time I have. It's something I wrote for someone else on the forums. It's nothing like what you're doing, but saving the sprite UID and picking a sprite based on that variable is in there, so it may give you some ideas. You know... until someone comes along and answers properly ;p

    Awesome example procrastinator :)

    I will try to understanding the game logic for this.

    Thanks for sharing with us

  • Very nice. Love the simplistic concept. Someone asked how to do this elsewhere on the forums, and I posted a capx to show the basics and how I'd do it. It actually got me thinking about taking it a bit further, so maybe you can enjoy my version soon ;p

    Hope you don't mind!

    Hi procrastinator anthonykojima , i'm really like the gameplay like this.

    Remind me of "Typing Maniac" Facebook game.

    Can you provide us a sample .capx how to implement typing game like this?

    Thanks before :)

  • Hi everyone, this is my entry for this competition.

    This game made on effective of 2 weeks development, by 3 students.

    Two as 2D Artist, and one as Game Designer.

    This is my first game project to do with my friend and doing a teamwork.

    We're really enjoy the experience from this competition, and appreciate Scirra Construct 2 as a fabulous HTML5 game engine.

    Hope you can play and rate it.

    Feedback also welcome :)

  • awesome, of course i'll be joining this class.

    Thanks Kyatric and Yann :)

  • I'm joining :)

    I make a countdown clock for deadline of this competition :)

  • interesting, thanks for sharing with us :)