KeeghanM's Forum Posts

  • Love this art style, cant wait to see it in action

  • This looks amazing! Such a fun concept.

  • Nice! Does the downwards-ness of the levels play into the game mechanics at all? Or pure aesthetic?

  • I used to have that but I found the Repeat function never stopped. I'm back working for a few days so don't have time to fiddle. But when I'm back and have time will give it a go.

    Will also try get some of the features implemented that I want

  • Looks like a good start! As someone working on a world generation project at the moment I'd love to learn more about how you went about doing yours?

    Also personal taste thing here, try a closer in camera.

    I always like my roguelikes to be close up so I'm more on edge about whats coming up.

  • It's all done in various loops, so it appears to happen at once. You could do the same with yours. Put the mining code into a repeat or while condition.

    Im using a combination of

    For Each Miner

    While digCount < digCountMax

    Do the mining thing

    I'm guessing its the the For Each thats causing the issue. But I cant think of another way to do it.

  • Hi all,

    My name is Keeghan, and I am from New Zealand down tat the bottom of the world!

    I'm a full time IT worker, Mostly doing Server and Database admin work as well as some desktop and sales stuff.

    In my spare time I record YouTube videos, make games, and study Kyokushin Karate.

    Somehow I manage to fit a fiance in there too, and she hasn't complained too much!

  • That looks awesome! How do you get it to all display at once, instead of growing like mine? I feel like its something simple but I just cant get it right.

  • Love the look and feel of this game. And the idea of many gameplay mechanics and ideas in one games (if pulled off well) is fantastic!

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  • Wow! This looks absolutely fantastic. Following this one closely for sure!

  • Hi Everyone!

    Recently I had an idea to work on a top down, survival game. It was something to test myself and try things I hadn't done before.

    One of those things was procedural generation.

    The vision in my head was to generate a random island, using a 3D array. The x,y coords of the array are the x,y coords of the physical game tiles and the z axis is the game data; tile type, object type, mob etc etc.

    After a bit of reading I came across the following article: ... -the-caves

    Which focuses on caves.

    However a side on cave is really just the same as a top down island (If you use some imagination <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> ).

    TL:DR of that article is it uses a Miner algorithm to generate the land.

      1: Set everything to wall 2: Spawn some miners at the center For each miner 3: Pick a random direction 4: If solid move there 5: Set location to clear 6: If completely surround, delete miner

    Which on the surface seemed simple. Two days later proved it was not!

    HOWEVER! I am happy to say I managed to implement the algorithm(or 90%, see below), and a demo of it can be found here:

    Also view my other games on the home page <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Here are some examples of different generations. As you can see some are more Cave like and others more island like, all depends on the parameters set by the user.

    Things still to do:

      1: Implement a Clean Up system (removes 1x1, 2x1, 3x1 and 2x2) 2: Add edge support (if near edge turn a different way)

    Then if I want to expand into my survival kind of game idea I need a way to generate multiple tile types. Implement a shoreline (sand tile) system. And then obviously actual game mechanics buts thats a whole other thing.

    Anyway, let me know your thoughts on it so far, and if anyone wants a CapX or even a tutorial please let me know!

    Will keep everyone updated with my progress.



  • Hey man appreciate that! Definitely a place to start, will have a play and see what I find.

    Will post results here.

  • Still hoping for some help

  • Anyone have any ideas?

  • Just a wee bump, still stuck on this. I even took a break to implement a combat system, came back and no luck.

    My poor brain just isn't up to it.