kayin's Forum Posts

  • It'd at least be nice if parallax was calculated from screen center instead of screen of the screen corner, so that parallax behavior would then at least be consistent. But yeah, this is a big issue I think for several of us are trying to finish up large projects. :(

  • I'm going to bump this again and be annoying because I think this is really important and solves a lot of aspect ratio/parallax issues that are really gross to hack around and seems like it should be very basic functionality.

    I dunno if C1 will get another update ever but it sorta feels worth being a pain in the *** about this.

  • Continuity only matters in fluid motion. Lets say you're making a game where you shoot when moving and when you shoot you hold your gun out. If you have two different animations for this and the run cycle resets when you start shooting, people will notice and will be bothered by that. There is an illusion of fluidness that is being broken.

    In general people are okay when breaks when they hit buttons, as long as the transition is jarring enough. 2d fighting games with chain combos have no in-between between comboed moves. This is surprisingly not weird, because each hit sorta causes a key point where one animation can end and go into another one. There is no lingering transitional weirdness -- that's just removed. If you ATTEMPT to transition, you gotta do it right.

    So like, if your character had a turn around animation but when it finished, the girl was reversed, people might notice that. It's a sudden shift in weight that betrays the animation that's just going on. If you just have the animation flip right away, it's too sudden to even notice. The whole composition is changing at ones. The leg example above only happens because you have an expectation of where the legs should be due to implied motion.

    Now if you did do a turn-around animation, you could do it simply by having him turn away from the camera, hiding the subject and removing the mental expectations, or have him turn toward the camera in like 3 frames and having her switch sides during it. Even if it seems nonsensical, you're doing it that way more so the shapes of the woman and the colors the eys are tracking don't suddenly jump from one place to another. In fact the reason a sudden flip is okay is because all the shapes are in the right place. Physical logic has been defied, but that's not as important as compositional logic.

    This is an extra long answer just to say you're totally okay.

  • No luck. Offset filter doesn't work either, because the offset filter merely offsets what would fit on the screen. I'll save this problem for later. Hopefully by the time I have to address it, a solution will exist. Considering how far I am along, doing it now isn't going to be significantly easier than doing it later anyhow.

    I wonder if someone could make a plugin that'd move an entire layout? Not sure if that's even possible, but it's a thought.

  • Not much thought with The Kid in IWBTG. His sprite existed before the game even had a title. For the Brave Earth stuff I'm working on in Construct Classic, I settled on a woman because I just liked it better. It's what I tend to draw more and in a way, something I sorta relate to better. Feels like something I can put more heart into. Ultimately it was just a matter of my own taste. The only thing I can say about audience is I think the only audience it can adversely effect is young boys, who tend to whine about female characters a lot. It certainly changes perception in other groups, but more stylistically. Considering my target audience is old school gamers, it's hardly a concern.

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  • Project is fairing quite well, though a tad slowly! IWBTG:Gaiden seemed to go over pretty well as a Construct game too. And yeah, I've been "around", but mostly just lurking lately as Construct 1 development has slowed down and C2 is a little bit out of my area of interest.

    Though now I'm kinda active again because I'm trying to make a push to get some little edge cases I'm bumping into out of the way. Nothing that will stop me, but obnoxious little problems regardless. Thanks for the interest, Soldjah, it's good to see you agian.

  • kayin.pyoko.org/enginewip.cap is the correct URL.

    Though it's old, so keep that in mind and don't expect much.

  • Is there any chance in hell of these ever being made operational? I've been having a nightmare of a time with resolution related parallax issues (like just about everyone else who's ever dealt with this) and I was just thinking about how wonderful it would be if I could just offset layers and be done with it.

    Was there some horrible issue that stopped this feature from ever actually working or did no one get to it? Is it a way serious problem? Most solutions I've seen seem pretty dreadful for situations where you have lots of parallax with lots of different objects.

    I'm expecting the answer to be "Not going to happen" but who knows, figure I'll throw this out there. I know C1 development is pretty dead, but this is driving me nuts.

    (alternatively, an option to base parallax on screen center might be wonderful instead but whatever)

    edit: .... Idea springs to mind to use offset layer effect. Will be back.

  • I Wanna Be the Guy was already put up by other people twice. How.... silly.

    But the whole Greenlight thing is cool. Hopefully I'll be getting a C1 game up on there eventually.

  • R0J0, I'm always amazed by the stuff you just pull out of nowhere... are you a wizard?

  • No Hyphens either! Pain for me, because I have one in a family and can't figure out how to change family names!

    GME in Audiere would rule, since it supports like, every retro format ever.

  • I read that in another thread and looked for one and couldn't find it, making me assume it was something else. So, I just looked again.

    It was "1up".

    :| durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr no wonder the class name seemed weird. I feel so dumb now, thanks!

  • ffff I tried plugging this stuff into my project and I get two python errors...

    File "<string>", line 13344



    SyntaxError:invalid syntax


    Trackeback (most recent call last):

    File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

    NameError: name 'System' is not defined

    It's a big project so it's kinda hard to break the project down and figure out what's causing it. =/

    Any advice would but lovely but at this point I might just have to accept the reasonable solution of converting things into OGGs so don't beat your self up. :P

  • The Python route seems fascinating and less hair pulling. I haven't messed with Construct's python stuff. Is there any big "gotchas" I should be concerned about? Problems that Python stuff might risk introducing?

    Edit: Checked out the cap. This is awesome. It even plays VRC6 tracks as well (which would be required for my purposes). This is good enough that I might use it as is (Pause and volume would be nice but frankly, I'll live if I have to). But more importantly, this whole setup with the python scripts seems very very workable. I might look for other DLLs and other options to get a few more features, but this is loooovely. Thanks for making my life less hairpulling.

  • I'm a big retrophile (clearly, as the maker of IWBTG and IWBTG:G) who is currently making a game that's trying to have a lot of NES authenticity, down to having my music guy make music in the authentic NSF format. The idea was to take these, export them and then loop them somehow, but the thought arose... that it'd be kinda awesome to just put the NSF in there and play everything authentically. No trying to find perfect loop spots or change it every time a song is updated or converting stuff or whatever while saving a ton on file size. Now, this probably sounds really stupid, partially because it is, but such stupidity has never stopped people who are serious about this kinda stuff.

    So I went looking around and found this, a set of libraries for various video game formats rolled into one. Now, I'm not a "real" programmer, but I'm not above hacking away at the sourcecode of things I barely understand to try and make things I want, so I just wanna do a few things.

    Ask if anyone who's made plugins is interested in taking a swing at this (I'm not the only one interested it!). It seems relatively straight forward (maybe!) and someone experienced might be able to whip together something that would take me weeks of misery to try and kick together.


    Ask that if anyone has any advice when it comes to dealing with audio stuff in Construct. I know R0j0 made Audiere (which is awesome, BTW!) and has some experience with that end of things. If I take a stab at this, I'll be going in really blind

    I also might be seeeeverely underestimating the potential complexity of what I'm doing. It seems to me that I could, theoretically, after trying to figure out what everything does, plug the things in the example player sourcecode into a construct plugin and hope that it works and that I can get something barebones but workable (One thing playing at a time, track select, play, pause and maybe volume). I might be totally out of my league though.

    Any thoughts are appreciated. Now Imma go stare at source code and try and figure out what I'm doing.