kasanobanana's Forum Posts

  • We really need an article or at least pointers about hierarchies. I am a newbie at construct 3, and seeing other people's projects that utilize the hierarchy system but the construct layout does not showcase when the hierarchy is being used was quite frustrating. Eventually clicking the show hierarchy button was very therapeutic when stressed out and finally understanding what was going on.

  • Nevermind lionz, I figured it out. For future reference, this is what I did.

    Even though the bullet: set angle for motion, says angle, you still need to type angle. So put angle(main-object.X,main-object.Y, receiving-object.X, receiving-object.Y).

    So now the bullet will head towards the sprite/object you want to receive the bullet. If you reversed the main-object and receiving-object, the bullet will go the opposite direction.

    Oh, and don't forget to turn off set angle in the bullets behavior box. And make sure to not use or delete any events that use rotate to (receiving object) or set angle towards (receiving object). Just use the steps above.

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  • lionz So what should I put in to bullet: set angle for motion? I was dumb earlier, and put player.angle, and since my player was always at 0, the bullet went 0 degrees. But I am at a loss at how to now direct the bullet back to the player, using bullet: set angle for motion. I want to do (player.x, player.y) but that isn't an angle. Now the bullet sprite, is not moving towards the player.

  • I'm trying to make an enemy sprite (a mushroom) move towards the player. The bullet is working properly moving towards the player, but then the sprite is rotating. I don't want the bullet enemy sprite to rotate during movement. I used the "set angle towards position" & bullet speed. I also tried using "set bullet angle of motion" & turned off "Set Angle" for bullet behavior, but the enemy just goes to the right or whatever was the directed angle.

  • lionz To be honest, I don't really know what is the cause of the random reset of best time recorded. It happens in a 2-3 week interval. I don't think its my action causing the reset. Maybe just my fault in my code?

    Honestly, I chose to use local storage, as I want the data to persist. I don't know if global variables can remain static, even after the app closes.

    I ended up doing this

    I will update this post in a few weeks if successful and the time recorded works as I want it to function.

  • lionz The logic is to make sure that the game score would be recorded in the game space, and then stored in localstorage, and whatever the numerical value is, would be displayed in the records layout.

    It sounds logical in my head. But in the way you describe it, what I am doing is not best practice. Maybe I don't need to reduplicate like you said.

    But it still begs the question why the Highest score function works while the longest time resets. Anyways, I'll update this post some time in the future if the problem goes away.

  • So I have an android game that records two values, the Highest score, and the longest time.

    The problem is, is that the longest time resets its randomly. I been testing my game for two months now, and the longest time resets itself, without no cause. It will display the longest time for 2 to 3 weeks, and then it will reset self.

    The thing is, is that the Highest Score, does not reset itself, and displays the highest score without a problem.

    It does this in the browser testing, and in app testing.

    This is the best score display.

    Hopefully someone can teach me a safer method of storing long term data, or just correct what I did wrong. It is driving me crazy lol.

  • I'm am not sure what I am doing wrong. My admob account is verified, I set up a gdpr sign on startup. I made a separate construct game to test out the ad feature to implement into the actual game, but the ads do not start up.

    I don't know how to proceed.


  • Someone gave me the solution. Since the system is checking every tick, it needs to be trigger once if true under every variable check.

    Thanks Wolod1402

  • So I have four objects in my project. The player, a circle, a square and a variable called health. Player and square have flash enabled.

    Only the player and the circle can interact. When the player collides with the circle, the player flashes. But I also want square to flash too. When health is at numbers, 5,3, and 1, the square becomes invisible, rather than flashing. I then put stop flashing afterwards. But all it does is prevent the flash from activating in the first place. So it doesn't work at all.

  • Use bullet disabled on arrived instead of comparing fixed coordinate, rounding errors can make it so that your bullet might never be exactly at 300,650.

    I apologize for the late reply, i used a simpler solution as just making the detection box bigger rather than pinpoint accuracy, if that is possible. Hopefully someone finds this information useful in the future.

  • By the way, I am using the wrap behavior.

  • Am i doing something wrong? Is it a bug?

  • In Construct you have to link the event sheet to the layout. Select the game over layout (in the side bar) and you'll see in the properties that it has no event sheet instead of the expected game over event sheet.

    Thank you so much! T.T I am so grateful. It works now :)

  • I am frustrated that I am unable to build such a simple concept, it is either something is wrong, or I am wrong.

    Text3, which is where the "FinalScore :" & Score will be demonstrated, does not ever change to this request.

    Here is google drive copy of my game.


    Any help would be deeply appreciated.