Kan's Forum Posts

  • Maybe you should try giving the private variables a different ID.

    (add a dummy letter or whatever you'd find easy to deal with)

    Or...does your action absolutely needs to happen on every object of the family?

    I mean, if you build the event in a way its actions apply on only one item of the family, it shouldn't affect the others.

    Apart of that, I really don't know what to do.

  • If you want to have the sound/music files contained inside the game instead of in the directory, you can do it the exact same way you tried to.

    The only thing is that you must add them to 'Files' ressources instead of 'Sounds' or 'Music' ones.

  • Well, faking it would probably be the best way and the one that would require the less power.

    But if you have a real too big amount of objects and interactions, maybe you could sacrifice some power and use the layout object, which use is to run another layout in the current layout.

    Of course, you set the layout object invisible and/or put it outside the screen so it just runs without anybody knowing it.

    When you're leaving the current layout to go in the other layout for real, you manage the game to save the state of the other layout, so it can load it back once you're in it for real.

    Of course, if my solution is more complicated than just faking it, forget it...

  • Yes, it works. (I'm now on Construct 0.99.96) Thanks R0J0hound.

    (Sorry to up this thread again)

  • Cool! It works!

    Thanks a bunch!

    (Nice avatar btw. It's Samus, right?)

  • Hi everybody!

    I hadn't post in a while but now I really got an annoying problem. You know, the kind of problem which happens only to you and never to the others? Well, this time again, the ''you'' is me...

    So there it is : INI object just doesn't work. I didn't find other threads speaking of such, so I ask for help.

    I join a zip containing three files : a simple .ini, which is used as a data transfer file from a peripheral and the data center, the said data center (the .cap nammed 'Magnetometa'), and another .cap ('Magneto(meter) cheater') whose job is to write values in the .ini cause the said peripheral doesn't exist yet.

    ZIP : http://butor.com/resource.do?uid=1289919182259

    Roughly, there's no way to get the writing into ini working, neither reading the ini file values. :-/

    What do I do? ...Or what did I do wrong?

    Thanks in advance for helping!


  • Well, I think there really are bugs. I can put the layer of the canvas wherever I want - in front of the others or Behind them - make the layer invisible or visible, make the canvas invisible or visible, set it to draw before of after drawing, and even make it draw a dummy line just to say it did draw...

    Nothing works. It always result with a white picture saved by the imagemanipulator.

    There really is no other way to screenshot, huh?


  • Euh, maybe it's due to the language cause ...I'm lost.

  • Oh, yeah, thanks! I had reversed the Run layout and Run all options.

    Well, for "Explorer", I know it's the (probably copyright) name of the Windows Explorer but, in both MMF2 and Construct, it is an instance of that Windows Explorer. (I am right?...) So, I think it's the proper name. ...and anyway, I don't know what else to call it.

    About the tool you're looking for, I'm really sorry, I don't know that. I am myself new to Construct (1 or 2 months) and I don't remember to have used such a thing in MMF2 neither. I think the best way to find how it works if it exists is to look on the Construct Wiki ( http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/c ... =Main_Page ) or in the forums.


  • Yeah, I get exactly the same thing.

    I don't think my file is corrupted cause the same problems occur in other projects.

    I really don't know...


  • Well, call the buttons with cap letters (button A, button B, ...) instead of numbers, and the user will just have to try his buttons to see what they do. In MultiMedia Fusion, that's what I did because I didn't know what button of my joystick corresponded to what control in the plugin.

    By the way, here is my TGF/MMF - Construct equivalences table :


  • Thanks.

    So, the only way for now remains to create a new layout, then copy-paste into it all the stuff from the other layout...

    The problem with that way - without the bit of time it takes - is that the objects I copy into my new layout change of Z-ordering. So I have to re-z-order them all after.

    Thank goodness we also can copy-paste all the events from an event sheet to another.


  • Hi,

    I know, I'm beggining to be annoying with all my threads this month but anyway, there is something else I don't know and have to know.

    I opened two projects in the same Construct window, then tried to drag a layout from one to the other.

    But that doesn't work. Is there a way to copy a layout from an application to another?

    I didn't find on the wiki, neither in the forums.

    Thanks in advance!


  • I don't know if it has been done in the past but, here's an equivalence table comparing the objects/options names in Construct and in The Games Factory/MultiMedia Fusion :


    I made it myself and you can modify it.

    So, now, if you're looking for something in Construct that does the same work a thing does in TGF/MMF, just look at this table (Excel Document) and you'll find how it is called.

    Well, I think I've explained in an understandable way what I mean.


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  • Cool! Thanks!

    And by the way, if ever somebody is making the joystick plugin at the moment and read this, when it will be released make a headline to say it!

    (Sorry for my english, I even don't know if this sentence is understandable...)
