justifun's Forum Posts

  • Check out what I did to create a fake 3D box in this thread


  • Here are all of the tutorials


    Here are examples for similar questions


    yes it is possible

    You will need to purchase a personal license ($119 USD) if you want to sell your game, (plus any fee's for using the app stores eg: $100 for apple store developer license)

  • JeZLee

    Check out this page to see how to get all of the badges/rep points


  • PM'd

  • Check out my post here:


    Instead of moving towards the mouse cursor though, you want to change the part in the .capx example, and replace mouse.x with player.x

    and mouse.y with player.y -200 (the -200 will keep the helicopter always flying above the player instead of moving directly to its location)

    then you can play with the movement speed to determine how fast the helicopter moves.

  • change the property setting of "default controls" to NO on your sprite

    then use the following actions to move your character with whatever keys you want

    on key down "w"

    -> simulation 8 dir control "up"


  • I'd like to try it out too


  • If the player ISNT in the center of the screen, here's another way of doing it.

    create 4 events

    mouseAbsolute.X > player. X


    mouseAbsolute Y > player.Y

    -> set animation player to "north"

    MouseAbsoute.X < player.Y


    mouseAbsolute.Y < player.Y

    set animation player to "south"

    etc etc

    Make a event check all 4 locations based on the players postion, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.

    then change the animation based on that.

    only 1 will be true at any given time.

  • Wakey

    One non mathematical way of doing it, is to create 4 triangle sprites. One representing North South East West (imagine creating a giant X over the middle of the screen)

    Then use

    On mouse over "North" set animation to "player north" etc

    then make the triangles invisible so you can't see them.

    Here's an awesome sketch


    This assumes your player is always in the center of the screen though.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • one way would be to create a variable for each gun

    then when the player switches to a particular weapon, you have a section that says

    currentgun = "machineGun"

    -> every 1 second add +1 to "machineGunTime"

    then check which one is the biggest at the end of the game.

    There's a fancier way with arrays, but this is the easiest way to visually understand what's going on.

  • To further elaborate on what vee41 was saying.

    Basically you would create one sprite representing the game board.

    You could vary up the look of the piece, by using a different frame of animation for a different "look" to the piece if it has a variety of types lets say.

    Then you would give it one variable called "visited"

    When you create multiple instances of the board square, each one will then have its own "visited" variable that will keep track of itself

    then you would simply code something like this.

    player is overlapping object "board piece"

    -> set "visited" to 1

    or however your game works.

    then late you could check if its visited by doing.

    (board piece) visited = 1

    -> do this

  • I'd recommend simply making a 3 or 4 frame animation using the noise function within any art program, and then add it as a regular sprite animation.

  • The Iconoclasts was made with Construct 1


  • Well said Ashley !

  • Spine reached one of its stretch goals and now it can support generic java script, so construct 2 will be able to support it as soon as they implement it!
