justifun's Forum Posts

  • Havent looked at the specific capx, but off the top of my head here's a few things....

    System / On start of layout / Sprite / Start animation from beginning / current frame.

    is the correct usage for starting an animation.

    When it asks you in the dialog box to specify which animation by name make sure you spell it the exact same way as you named the animation when you were adding the frames to the sprite. and it should have "quotes" around it.

    Next. Click the animation name in the list of animations with the sprite sheet open and in the properties box in the upper left, make sure speed is set to something like 15

    Also make sure "looping" is set to YES

    also, each frame of the animation click it and set its own "frame speed" to something greater than 0 if its not already.

  • yes of course.

    Make sure you have both the keyboard and gamepad object added to your project by double clicking a blank area of your layout.

    Then after you've created the first event: eg: on keyboard pressed

    right click the same event and choose "add another condition" and choose gamepad on button pressed

    Then right click the event a third time and choose "make "OR" block and it will separate the two conditions into an OR statement

  • They don't usually do sales unfortunately....

    Maybe if you are lucky they will have one as part of the steam summer sale though.....

  • If you are using physics, simply set the X position to the same value every tick. So that its basically only evaluating the Y position.

  • It takes time for people to respond, no need to bump multiple times a day. Give it some time.

  • Another simple way (although not the cleanest) is to give a variable to the UI element and the player when its created eg: "owner"

    Then do a "pick all health bars"

    if: "owner = player" then

    subtract health

    It will pick all of the health bars (probably 4 max depending on your game) and then only subtract health from the one that matches the player that got hit.

    I don't think its much a performance hit.

    Its kinda like the UID method.

  • Yes you can, look here for "wall jumping"


  • You can use Lerp to achieve this.

    Check out this example.

    Adjust the "MovementSpeed" variable to adjust how fast the object is moving while following.





  • Not Construct specific, but still good info





  • Will this help?

    zeropad(number, digits)

    Pad number out to a certain number of digits by adding zeroes in front of the number, then returning the result as a string. For example, zeropad(45, 5) returns the string "00045".

  • Yeah you could simply do a quick test if a spot is taken or not by examining what's under the mouse at all times. So your game would always know if the space is taken or not before the player clicks.

    system every tick

    mouse is over "sprite"

    set global variable "taken" to 1

    if "taken" = 0 then allow player to place piece where they clicked.

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  • a massively multiplayer online zelda-esque 2D top down Action RPG with all of the modern RPG elements like crafting, detailed skill tree's, auction houses etc.

    There would be towns that would get invaded by monsters and you'd have to drive them off and hold them as a community or they would get over run (even permanently)

    Some quests would be created any time by fellow players and can be picked up by any other player like a bounty board.

    Dynamic world events that everyone can take part in.


    and amazing sprite graphics like any of the old classics

  • Sound FX and music starting from $1


    if you happen to make music as well, they offer up to 70% rev share per piece.

    License info:


  • Then rotate the object as well to face the direction you want.

  • This probably isn't exactly what you want, but check out this tutorial
