justifun's Forum Posts

  • In regards to your object count part of the question.

    You would want to add some sort of checking event each time the user drops a block into the editor.

    it would subtract the number of available blocks from the stockpile of that type of block. Then when it reaches zero, make that block type greyed out and unavailable to be picked.

  • edit: ok after looking back over your original question....

    Your screen shot works the way you have it setup, i got confused with there being 2 different Heart shaped sprites with different names in there.

    If you want to use the UID method you can, you just need to add the "picking" of the UID in a separate action line in order to target it as the one you want to change its opacity of.

    eg: On Sprite X Collision with SpriteY ->

    (sub event) SpriteZ.UID = (which ever UID you want to target) -> set opacity to 100

    By adding the "spriteZ.UID =" to a new sub event, you are telling which object for construct to find an make actions to.

    The more confusing part though is the way you might be going about trying to find an object to change its value of.

    Normally you would want to save the UID of the object you collided with , not the UID of a completely different object (SpriteZ).

    If sprite Z is just a healhbar or or something, then simply refer to it directly instead.

    eg: On Sprite X collision with Sprite Y -> add 1 to hearthbar

    You seem to be trying to change opacity of random other objects instead of one specific one.

  • I believe you are running into issues with cross domain policies. Try reading up on that.

  • Farmville 2 is a unity game btw.

  • On the store page https://www.scirra.com/store you will see on the left hand side below "Sale items" a section that says "Your Downloads" (if you are logged in to the forums)

    Click that, then click the "download button" under "personal license" on the right hand side.

    When Construct 2 starts up, there's a button that allows you to import your license file that you just downloaded (or simply put it in the same root folder where you installed Construct and it will find it when it starts up.

  • You may want to look into moving the blocks around using a plugin like "Litetween" instead of using physics. It may be easier to control exactly the shapes, and be overall higher performance.

  • Its the same technology that Skylander toys and Nintendo Amibo's use to connect the game toys to the games.

  • Its in the "size and position" section of the action window

  • sorry my bad, im tired.

    use the "Bullet" -> Move Forward (distance 100) action after setting its angle to point at the mouse


  • create bullet (player.x, player.y)

    set bullet angle of motion to player.movingangle (assuming its a 8 direction movement on it)

    set bullet invisible

    if bullet.distance travelled > 100 -> make bullet visible

  • OMG fisholith - this is exactly what i've been trying to do for ages!!! that you SOOOOO MUCH! you just made my day!

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  • fisholith - Do you have any thoughts on how you would extend this idea to allow the player to jump onto a crate (and walk around / behind it)?

    i attempted it once, but it didnt turn out so great

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403 ... index.html

  • yeah make it a tilemap instead.

  • Also, make sure you are not scaling the sprite in construct after you bring it in.

    Determine the size you want it to be, and design it to that size in photoshop or whatever you are using.

    as soon as you start scaling the sprite in C2 it will get blurry.

  • Separate the number from the image and lay it over top of the image

    set textbox.text -> random(0,10)