JustCallum's Forum Posts

  • The only differences would be saving project to folder.

  • I'm not even new, but I act like it(Alot more then I like to admit).

    You should see my events, its horrendous.

  • Okay, I rewrote the code and it seems to be working now.

    Thanks for the pointer.

  • Disclaimer: I have not written this shader.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    	<!-- About -->
    	<id>Scroll</id>			<!-- Never change the ID.  Change the name instead -->
    	<description>Seamlessly scroll the texture within a given amount of time</description>
    	<!-- Settings -->
    	<!-- Extend the bounding box for effect processing by a number of pixels to show the edges
    		 of effects which go beyond the object edges, e.g. blur and warp. -->
    	<!-- Set to true if the background is sampled (samplerBack is referenced at all in the shader) -->
    	<!-- Set to true if the background is not sampled at 1:1 with the foreground (e.g. the
    		 background texture co-ordinates are modified in some way by the shader, as done
    		 by Glass and Lens) -->
    	<!-- Set to true if the effect changes over time, e.g. Noise or Warp effects. -->
    	<!-- Parameters -->
    			<name>X shift</name>
    			<description>Amount of time for a full horizontal shift</description>
    			<name>Y shift</name>
    			<description>Amount of time for a full vertical shift</description>
    // Scroll effect
    varying mediump vec2 vTex;
    uniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;
    uniform lowp float seconds;
    uniform lowp float xshift;
    uniform lowp float yshift;
    void main(void)
    	mediump vec2 tex = vTex;
    	if (xshift != 0.0) tex.x = mod(tex.x-mod(seconds,xshift)/xshift,1.0);
    	if (yshift != 0.0) tex.y = mod(tex.y-mod(seconds,yshift)/yshift,1.0);
    	gl_FragColor = texture2D(samplerFront,tex);
    For some reasons tiledbackgrounds seem to do it though either layout size or window size. Sprites work as expected.
    The tiledbackgrounds is 16x16 and its width is a multiple of 16 and its height is 16.
    Any support, will be greatly appreciated, in addition can you explain what you done so I can learn. 
    Thank you
  • I'm making my game use only tilemaps then store the tilemap data into an XML file, which the game reads.

    At the moment I have done it so it reads it from the XML.

    Once it loaded it need to convert certain tiles into objects.

    But when I've tried it seems to not work. I'm currently at college and can't provide cape but I will when I get home but out of memory it's something like this.

    For Loop "y" in range 0,(Tilemap.Width/16)
         For Loop "x" in range 0,(Tilemap.Width/16)
         tilemap.TileAt(x,y) == 8 then
          For Loop **** in range loopindex("x"),(Tilemap.Width/16)-loopindex("x")
               tilemap.TileAt(xx,y) == 8 then
               lava.width += 16
               else breakloop[/code:1defa2zy] 
    What happens: Code works as expected however it creates multiple lava sprites on the same width 
    I'm guessing the loop runs side by side so it calls the function on multiple tiles.
    (using shader to make sprite work like tiled background, and this isn't the problem)
    I'm also sorry if this makes little to no sense.
  • Raycasting

    The method I use, kinda works however a raycasting function would be nice, using function maybe something like function.call("raycast",posx,posy,pos2x,pos2y)

    However the current method I use works the angle of the tongue changes so that it can expand beyond a wall.


    So if I use command prompt and opened the file like so,

    game.exe -leveleditor -tick 128

    I can use the values like the way browser.hash works.


    Call internal functions with a javascript console.


    So multiplayer is a problem due to jumping seems really laggy and unsmooth.

    One last thing, is their a way to manually code instead of using the event layouts (without using plugins/addons)

    If not I will just code my addon instead.

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  • Thanks

  • I made my account a while back, and the username seems immature and stupid. I'm wondering if their is a way to change it.

  • See project.

    Looking for someone that can make Metroid themed music and background sprites. Price varies.


  • After trying to beat fusion in under an hour(using in game timer). I only just did(58:43). I could of saved time by not using recharge rooms. However I saw loads of remakes for other Metroid games just not fusion.

    __My Aim__

    Fusion was an excellent game, upset that Dread never getting released.

    So you may ask my aim? Well simple, recreate fusion in modern graphics. Not that but extend the game to have actions that change the story of the game. Refuse to listen to Adam or obey him. Upto you, also the game will use time as a function, the longer you spend in a sector the more dangerous others become. You can prevent this by destroy habitable hives that will randomly spawn. There is more planned but I have not confirmed anything thing yet.

    • Multiplayer Combat mode
    • More sectors
    • More bosses
    • Same start story, different ending

    Background is place holder.

    Want to help? Contact me though

    Facebook or Gmail().


  • Hey, I'm intrested. Conctact me at

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