There is a trade-of with features and ease of use, if you want more features Juryiel you would have go towards a more native engine.
I have used AndEngine with the Android SDK briefly before switching to C2, it does many things great. But its a ***** to use. So while it could make a better game, but I could not (due to limited talent) using it. I could make a better game with C2, that's why I switched.
It's not about more or less features. It's about the features that C2 already has that don't work on all of its supported platforms. And the 'features' I'm talking about are just basic stuff, not really features at all. Massive stutter even though the game runs at 60fps when creating 3 sprites / sec and destroying another 3 / sec on a tegra 4 device. I expect better. Until recently sound issues were horrible, and were only fixed like this week mostly, though some still remain. There are many other basic issues that you may not run into in your specific game. In my game, sprites don't show up correctly on all devices (I test on 3 or 4 different ones all of which are between 1.5 years old to brand new, and haven't even gone to iOS yet, I dread that) when I'm overlaying one on top of another. Works on most devices so you might not see it, but that's only because your testing is poor. Look, honestly, I'm not interested in how well your specific game runs and neither is anyone who is having issues with how THEIR game runs and what bugs they are running into given their specific needs. Your experience doesn't somehow make everyone else's problems not exist. Can I work around the bugs? Sure, but my game would be sloppier and less polished, OR I would need to add in many more hours of work to implement workarounds, so at that stage I'm just better off using other tools.
You work under the assumption that Chrome has this awesomely ideal webgl implementation when that's just not true. Compare Chrome to Firefox, you'll see Firefox gives significantly less FPS. But a better html5/webgl implementation that is game specific could do much better than Chrome, which Crosswalk is based on.
And I do use more native engines. That's not the point. Unless you meant to agree that C2 is not ready and people should therefore use other things until it is.
And I'm still waiting to see these inspiring mobile games.