Juryiel's Forum Posts

  • Thanks! Since posting this I have already found and modified Mikey's Adventure inventory to include most of the functions i need. In addition, I still haven't fully decided whether a jrpg or wrpg style system would work better for my game or if it will be some hybrid (the game is neither of those genres and both systems have pros and cons as a result) so thanks for the wrpg example as well

  • Right. I was using that to enable the correct group so I could change what happens when different weapon-types are equipped. I was trying to have just a single enable/disable command for simplicity so that when I change the equippedWeapon variable I can just do a: Disable all groups, Enable Group(EquippedWeapon), but it appears that I can't since if I can't do somethign like "Disable all groups" then I either need to employ a holder variable (to hold weapon that was replaced) or call a disable command in all the various parts of the event sheets that cause a weapon to be unequipped.

  • I don't think that will work for my purposes. I'll have something like 10 groups and based on a given condition (e.g. a Get Value) I want to basically disable 9 of the 10 except teh one that corresponds to the value returned. So I was thinking, if I could disable them all I can then just enable the right one. I could do it the roundabout way of having a bunch of disable statements for each possible result of the Get Value condition, but given that I'm not sure exactly how many groups I'll end up having this seems a bit tedious.

  • Is it possible to disable all groups in an event sheet without referencing them by name?

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  • Actually I did mean a hybrid. I really like the event system as is, and would prefer this system over a typing system if I had to choose one, especially for the early stages of learning, mainly because it's sort of self-documenting (I can click on things instead of looking through docs). And yeah I was just posting random ideas in the forum since it's here, I won't be bummed if the devs don't do it. I just thought I'd offer up the idea and if they liked it they could do it. I do know how to code at an intermediate to advanced (but not expert) level as I code artificial neural networks for a living

    So yeah just to say, I do appreciate what has been done with this game engine and I find it quite amazing. The stuff that can be done with it without any coding is outright amazing.

  • Ashley, thanks for the reply. I'm a bit new so maybe I'm wrong about this but it seems to me typing out the text that's in the events themselves would be faster than going through a menu for people who are used to it. I find myself much more productive not having to move around a mouse. I don't really have to look around and scroll through a list to click on a specific spot. It requires far less coordination and attention than performing a visual search and clicking precisely (or, at least, the coordination required is already well-trained for most people these days). Using the GUI, every time an object is added the place you have to click for many objects changes, for example. So I'm not sure if it would be faster, but I think it would surely require less attentional resources. Why couldn't you do something like Sprite.X < 5, or Sprite.Variable (whatever variable) < 5, and just use the stuff after the final period as variables and the stuff prior to it as objects?

    You could reserve a character to separate parts of a condition, e.g. Sprite.X | less than | Sprite2.Y . It's actually hard for me to make suggestions on the actual implementation since I don't really know how the events work behind the scenes. But yeah, is till do think it would be easier for me to type something like Sprite: value param('x') param('less than') param(5). Even if it's slower or about the same speed-wise, it is just so much simpler to type than to click on GUI stuff

    I also think it would help with sharing systems since you could export event sheets that way in a simple way instead of having to scroll through an image event by event and duplicate those in your own game.

  • I was wondering if there were any examples of an inventory system in the style of JRPGs where basically it can fit an indefinite number of items, scroll through them as necessary, and display quantity. I have already started working on this type of a system but since I'm new an example would be extremely helpful if one exists (i tried searching). Thanks.

  • I think it would be really useful to develop a text-based format in which you can type out event sheets instead of clicking through a ton of GUI menus. This is just an editor type feature that wouldn't add any functionality (scripting is separate) but would make editing event sheets much quicker for people who become more and more experienced with Construct.

  • That does work, thanks. I was wondering though, is it on the next tick that I can move the items? If so, is there a way to delay a function by tick amount? I can only find milliseconds, and I know it's unlikely but in the rare case of a hickup (perhaps a user would be runnign multiple apps in teh background) that might cause it to not work since the current tick might last a longer time than the millisecond delay I have.

  • Thanks. I'm at work now so i can't check, is there a simple Delay X ticks action I can just put in after the Create Objects by name action that would take care of it?

  • So I'm using Create OBject By name to create an object in the Items family. However, doing a For Each Items, Set XY does not affect these newly created objects. Any ideas on how to get around that?

  • Well this isn't just a hashtable issue, I think there are other ways that events may appear the same but do different things as well. Furthermore, I have different classes of information stored in the different hash tables. Is an array a better option for that sort of thing?

  • One of the problems I've been having in debugging, especially with bugs in my logic that show up as a result of interactions with a later-created event sheet, is the lack of information in the event list. For example, checking of a key in one hash table exists in another hash table shows only the hash table that has the key you are checking for, and not the hash table in which you are checking for a match (or do i have that reversed?) So what can happen is that statements that look identical can do different things. As the flow charts grow larger and more time passes since their creation this can lead to confusion.

    However, I do appreciate the conciseness of the current view. So an optional view for debugging that includes more information would be great.