jugger87's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I've recently uploaded my game to itch.io https://jugger87.itch.io/dino-island-adventure

    Glad if you can play it and share comments.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Hello,

    I'm finishing my game, Dino Island Adventure, so I wanna share with you the result and see what you think about it.

    Any suggestions would be welcome.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Hello,

    I know its been a while since the last reply, but I'm facing the same problem and can't get it work.

    No sound is played even if I press keys or mouse click the screen.

    I play a sound when the mouse is over buttons, and even and the start of my second layout after home page.

    Do I have to preload sounds or something like that?

    I use the last estable version of Construct 2


  • Hello everyone,

    I'm developing a plataformer game, and as the layouts are quite big, 30000 or more width, I'm using "recreate initial objects" actions to dinamically create objects as the player advance through the level.

    The problem comes that I have TileMap, Sprires, TileBackgrounds, and it does'nt respect z order because if I first use recreate objects in Tilemap and then in Sprites, these last ones will always be on top of Tilemap, even though in my designed layout some of then can be behind.

    Is there a workaround?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hello again,

    after a lot of time of searching, trying error, we finally manage to deal with that problem.

    Indeed with C# .NET you can create a winforms program that calls the nwjs.exe.

    If any of you finds himself with the same problem send me a private message and I'll try to help.

  • Hello,

    Colludium I don't know but I suppose so...the problem of the timer is that nw.js has 3 processes...or that is what they told me.

    I need your help once again. They are stuck in that I must solve THEIR problem with their DRM.

    They've suggested to create a launcher.exd that opens the game itself. The launcher and the game must be hand by hand, if one is closed the other must be closed to.

    Furthermore, we cannot use any .NET program as the launcher.

    If I had known all this I wouldn't have done all the changes they ask me for the game....but now everything is done and I don't want to throw all the hardwork done.

    I thought also that if somehow the 2 background processes could be named differently from main proces, that could do the trick.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Thanks everyone! I'll let them know that Construct2 is not problem, I'll never doubt about it again I promise! xD

  • Hello,

    look at what a partner says about my game exported with nw.js.

    "We wrap all of our games with a free trial timer, and when your game is launched, the timer expires at an unusually fast rate. We think we’ve discovered where the problem might be coming from, though. When the game is running, there are many instances(around 7 or 8) of the .exe process running in the background. Could you look into this issue?"

    I've tried in my pc and indeed I have 3 background procedures. Is that normal? Should I tell them that this is how it works?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hello,

    the same happens to me, I've proved with cordova pllugin admob for construct 2 and the same, so I believe the problem is with the newest versions of intel xdk.

  • Hello,

    I've recently uploaded a new android game: Bat Jungle ( Google play url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bat.jungle)

    I need your help because I think somethings wrong with appodeal.

    As you can see here:

    There quantity of response ads to request is very low. Apparently in my mobile and my brother's one everything works fine and every 3 deaths an add is shown...

    Would appreciate your help specially for people living outsite Spain.

    Thanks in advance,


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  • I'm having the same problem with the testing ads...no matter what I do it always show test ads.

    I'll come back here if I find a solution.

  • jugger87

    this is my old problem

    I have solved it already and made a tutorialon this

    Hello Luckyrawatlucky,

    I've followrd the tutorial but unfortunatly I've been unable to make it work.

    Before doing the steps on page2, do I have to import plugins https://github.com/Tamplier/cordova-plugin (appodeal) and cordova-plugin-game + cordova-plugin-extras-google-play-services (cracnberry) ?

    When you say copying the file to the plugins folder, is that all, don't we have to use import from intel xdk?

    I have these 4 folders in plugins of my project:


    cordova-plugin-extras-google-play-services(auto imported for cranberry)

    cordova-plugin-game(cranberry itself)

    cordova-plugin-master(your folder from https://github.com/Tamplier/cordova-plugin)

    What am I doing wrong?



  • hi !

    I am getting build error when using appodeal (https://github.com/Tamplier/cordova-plugin) & cranberry both the plugin into my project

    I have tried these steps

    1) used appodeal only

    2) used cranberry only

    3) used both

    Result is

    1) success

    2) success

    3) build error

    pls help

    I have the exact same problem, it seems to be a problem using both plugins

  • Hello,

    First of all try to remove it and reinstall it. Make sure you delete C:\Program Files\Construct 2 folder before you reinstall it.



  • Problem Description

    Expresion UserFolder from Nw.js is returning \\ instead of Users\katy.kaiser

    Attach a Capx

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1Q_XD ... 1lTG8/view

    Description of Capx

    I've attached both capx and the exported project in nw.js. In my pc it works allright, but I sent it to a web that sells desktop games and they told me that the game didn't load. After some debuging we've find that in his pc the expresion UserFolder from nw.js is returning \\ instead of his real route (Users\katy.kaiser).

    She also has proved in one of his mate's pc and it also doesn't work.

    I copy here the response they've given me:

    Hi Sergei,

    I got the same error when I tried the 32-bit and 64-bit windows version (using the Run as Administrator technique). It doesn’t locate the proper folder (first button populates “\\” only) and doesn’t actually create any folders in my Users\katy.kaiser\AppData folders.

    The test version did function correctly on my Mac, however, so that’s good news!

    Kind regards,


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Just click the button above, it should return users default folder in the textbox next to it.

    Observed Result

    \\ is returned instead of the real user's folder

    Expected Result

    Fill the text with the user's folder

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_ldr.160408-2045)

    Construct 2 Version ID


    Nw version

    Nw.js v0.15.0.