jsj's Forum Posts

  • Hi, just discovered this service. It's really impresive!

    Thanks to share. It will be usefull in my next projects.

  • Sorry. NW.JS is not fixed yet. I hope server guys will have a time for the issue soon.

    Tried today to see if it's working and... surprise! NW.js export works flawlessly with Photon plugin. Nice!

    NOTE: using Construct 2 r221

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  • Android APK with Multiplayer object... no problem.

    iOS version... doesn't works at the moment because iOS doesn't support WebRTC. The only alternative I know is to use Photon plugin. Similar to Multiplayer but works also on iOS.

  • > I've checked disconnecting and reconnecting signalling server via Multiplayer plugin but, as you said, this doesn't solves nothing.


    > Will try to check what's going on and if there's a workaround. If so I will post here.


    The problem was found, are groups of commands that remain on for the next match "HOST and PEER"

    ¡Nice!... anyway I've desisted to use Multiplayer because it doesn't work on iOS platform due to Apple not wanting to implement WebRTC nativelly.

    Now using Photon but it has another anoyances... we, developers of multiplayer games, are doomed...

  • My vote for any kind of multiplayer games (pong clone, cards, board, turn-based strategy, RTS, ...)

  • Thanks ASHLEY. Don't know what do you mean exactly because I've not digged into all the source code of Multiplayer plugin. That's something beyond my scope and knowdledge.

    Anyway... I'm "throwing the towel". Desist to make the Multiplayer plugin run on iOS.

    Now using Photon plugin. It runs ok on iOS in our first testing.

    Just a shame that iOS doesn't supports WebRTC natively. In my opinion that's something that could "hurt" the adoption of Construct 2 to some people.

  • Folllowing this thread: I've been doing some more tests, to see if the approach to use the cordova plugin "iosrtc" inside Multiplayer plugin is doable.

    I've modified the Multiplayer "js" files to include the plugin and all his "stuff" (basically the initialization method to ensure that window.RTCPeerConnection is "implemented"), following the instructions of the "iosrtc" plugin.

    Then I've exported my game as Cordova target and created a Cordova project in a Mac with OSX, Cordova and XCode installed, to compile for iOS and test inside the simulator.

    But my problem is that the method "C2Multiplayer_IsSupported" is behaving "strange". I've checked why but I'm becoming mad because can't figure it out.

    This is a screenshoot of a debugging session using the XCode iPad Simulator inside a Mac with OSX.

    As you can see if I call "C2Multiplayer_IsSupported" it returns "false".

    But calling the "expression" alone it returns "true"!!!

    Can anybody explain me why?

  • I'm developing a Construct plugin that uses a Cordova plugin.

    When Construct exports the project to Cordova, it generates an index.html with:

    <script src="cordova.js"></script>

    I think the best is to add, following that line, this one:

    <script src="cordova-plugins.js"></script>

    It's possible that Construct will add that line? Otherwise is very "annoying" to add it every time I regenerate the project.

  • On host:

    Multiplayer - Broadcast tag "bluescore" message BlueScore (from "", mode Reliable ordered)

    On peers:

    Multiplayer - On peer message "bluescore"

    TxtScore - Set text to "Someone has scored " & Multiplayer.Message & " points!"

    TxtScore - Set visible

    You can add a timer to hide TxtScore some seconds later.

  • no !

    you can just make an easy nodejs server for just transfer messages from clients to host

    i mean you can do this :

    make a client side game

    make a host side game

    make a nodejs server for transfer messages from client to host

    and you can run nodejs and host in the same machine

    and now you can program just your host and client game !

    Ok but if all machines are mobile devices like iPads or iPhones this doesn't seem so easy. And if I must deploy a server of my own to run the nodejs server and the host... then I prefer to go to something more reliable like Photon.

  • best way wich work on all systems : is socket so :

    use socket.io plugin and a nodejs server

    Sure, but you must invest time creating your own nodejs server, right? or is there an alternative?

  • You'll create a C2 version of this plugin?

    Sadly no. I've been doing tests on my own and have decided to go for Photon plugin or something similar. At least until Apple decide to add native support to WebRTC.

  • Just make the host broadcast a message to the peers with the text to show, or just the score, and then in the peers paint the message.

  • This question is something I'm working on.

    The Multiplayer plugin, as-is, doesn't work on iOS because that system doesn't support WebRTC.

    Meanwhile I'm trying to "modify" the Multiplayer plugin to make it work on iOS through a Cordova plug-in (https://github.com/eface2face/cordova-plugin-iosrtc)

    I've had no time to test this. But I think could work.

    If you need Multiplayer on iOS working ASAP then go for Photon.

  • Adding a "Touch -> Not Is touching B2" to the "On touched B1" would do the trick... but perhaps is not exactly what you want.