jrogers86's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • My game involves roughly a dozen "stages" within each "world" of which, there will be at least 10 in total. Going off that, I'm looking at a bare minimum of 120 layouts/stages. When the player completes a stage, I thought the best course of action (given the number of stages in the game) would be to change to a layout for the stage results (completed or failed). In addition, there will be four buttons:

    Replay - restart the stage

    Stage Select - change the layout to the respective world's stage select layout

    Main Menu - change layout to the main menu

    Next - change layout to the next level within the world and if no levels remain in the world, go to that world's stage select scene

    With the stage select and next buttons....how could I code them so that they're contextual. In other words, if you're on stage 2-4, the next button should take you to 2-5 and the stage select button should take you to the world 2 stage select layout.

    I can hard-code each and every condition and result into an event sheet, but not only will that be time-consuming, I'm not sure how badly that would degrade performance.


    Also, to keep track of the score for each stage, I was going to use an array, but again, without hard-coding what cell(s) to modify, I don't know how to be able to update the table contextually per stage completion.

  • I currently have everything set for 1024x1280 and it all fills that screen and nothing more. Future "levels" will scroll beyond that, but only vertically.

  • I have a large rectangle, which embodies the spawn area. When a player touches in that area, a sprite should spawn at the pressed location within the spawn area. The Y coordinate matches, but X does not...it's always off-set by about half the screen...so as I move to the right, for example, the actual spawn location does the same.

    I'm using the mouse.x and mouse.y identifiers.

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  • Thanks, guys. I was able to figure out how to use animation to solve this problem.

  • I took a look at using animations, but thus far in my experience with this program (I'd say maybe around 6 or 7 hours at this point total), I'm not sure how to use them. I have two images/sprites. I just want to swipe one out for the other and vice-versa repeatedly.

    Thanks again.

  • Hello,

    I am working on a sign that will have flashing lights on it. The border of the sign has a series of "lights" comprised of two sprites...one with the light off and one with the light on. Here is an example:

    On - Off - On - Off




    On - Off - On - Off

    I thought I could use an event that for every 1 second, the "on" sprite is destroyed an an "off" sprite is spawned in its place. At the same time, the "off" sprite is destroyed and replaced with an "on" sprite. I've tried a few different ways, but the only result I get is for the sprites to be destroyed. Nothing is spawned in their place.

  • If it helps any further, the initial sprite has no collision. But, the second sprite (when placed) has collision detection. Change animation wouldn't work, would it?

  • I don't know if this will clear anything up, but the reasoning I thought to use two objects is because the images, themselves, are completely different. Similar shape, yes, but different images.

  • Hello everyone,

         I started using Construct 2 last night thanks to the recommendation of a friend. I've used GameSalad for two years now, so I thought I'd have a decent handle on this. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

    I am trying to set up a sprite (and it's copies) to (when clicked) spawn a different sprite over top of itself or replace it....either way. When this new sprite is clicked, it should destroy itself and reveal/create the image previously in its place. Essentially, I'm looking to toggle one sprite for another at the user's will.

    [Sprite A] is clicked >> [Sprite B] is spawned

    [Sprite B] is clicked >> [Sprite A] is back in view/respawned

    I've tried using Instance Variables with a handful of different combinations of conditions/actions. The only results I've gotten have been to create several (not infinite) sprites....or clicking the initial sprite in question ends up doing nothing at all.

    Any help people could give me would be greatly appreciated.


  • 9 posts