johnsmith's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    All my games stopped playing sound in Chrome, it's still working fine on Internet Explorer though...

    I can see the sounds playing in debug mode in the audio properties, but yet, no sound at all..

    Anyone else having this problem ? What could be causing this ?

    My Chrome version is: Version 66.0.3359.139 (Build officiel) (64 bits) - looks like there was a recent update ? Might be related ? Also I did not installed anything particular on chrome recently.

    Also my construct 2 is outdated, i'm still using R250 since it's working fine for me (until now..?)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • anty21ro

    Yes, kind of.

    I have 4 differents lights overlays (left-right-top-down) with their opacity linked to the distance&angle of the nearest light source. But if you ask me, it's been way too much work for an effect that "almost" no one notice ;P

    I've found the formula somewhere on the forum, which I dont understand at all, so it's been a lots of trial & error to get it working right...


    Didnt really have problem with the battery, but depends of the device I guess...

    The status bar is shown on iOS, dont know why since I did check the "hide status bar" option on export. It's a problem with Intel XDK that might have a solution somewhere ... Not sure either about the construct 2 loading screen. It's hard for me to test on iOS so there is still some problems left here and there on this platform.

  • Thank you guys


    I'm using for android, and IntelXDK for iOS.

    I had lots of problems too...with both... but managed to find solution at some point for both... I wish it would be easier (it was some time ago, but looks like there is always new problems to deal with unfortunately..(due to a new Intel XDK/cocoon release or the new iOS10 for example) - but both are good, so try them both and go for the one with the less problems.

  • Hi anty21ro, thank you

    I'm not sure how much physical sprites i'm using, depends of the levels, something between 100-200 I think.

    I'm always under the max collision points per sprite, so 8 or under.

    I'm working on the next update, so more levels (with new challenges) will come soon

  • Hi,

    Just a quick post to let you know that the update is finally live on the App Store !

  • Thank you RickUSBstick !

    It's admob, so CocoonAds plugin ( with or the default admob plugin with intelxdk.

  • Thank you Tarek2

    The iOS version is very old and I'm still trying to update it but keep running into problems with iOS 10... I'm now using IntelXDK instead of which fixed some of the problems so far (like the ads) but still have troubles with sounds...hopefully I'll find a fix soon.

  • johnsmith - note the non-webview Cocoon platforms have been deprecated for a long time now so have not been supported for some time. I don't know if that's what you're using?

    I'm not using the old cocoon exporter since it's been deprecated, the new only requires a Cordova export from C2 along with the appropriate cocoon plugins in the project (which can be found here: ).

    In the compiler, I'm using the webview engine: Canvas+ (and so the CocoonCanvasPlus plugin in my C2 project)

    Is my screen scaling problem when WKWebview is disabled more related to Cocoon than Construct 2 (or Cordova) ?

  • Hi,

    I'm also struggling with iOS 10 & Cordova ( & cocooncanvasplus plugin)

    When I do a simple cordova export, my app only displays a blank screen on iOS 10 (but works on iOS 8 & 9)

    If I change this in c2runtime.js

    this.isWKWebView = !!(this.isiOS && this.isCordova && window.indexedDB);


    this.isWKWebView = false;

    My app is working on iOS 10, but then the screen scale is displayed incorrectly

    My project settings:

    (using C2 r233 64bits)

    I'm not sure how to enable WKWebView, should I just check the box in the Cordova export option ?

    Should I also change the line in c2runtime.js to this.isWKWebView = true; ?

    Do I have anything to do with Cocoon ?

    Or is there any other way to make my app working correctly without WKWebView on iOS 10 ?

    Thank you

  • Thank you guys

  • Yes i'm using Admob (along with

  • johnsmith Loving the game. Playing it on Android. How did you get interstitial ads with countdown?

    Hi jook00, thank you

    about the ads,

    I have 1 variable "ads_counter" =3

    _On start of layout

    __ads_counter is less or equal 0 -> show interstitial

    __else -> substract 1 from ads_counter

    _On interstitial shown -> reset ads_counter value

    So every 3 layout start an interstitial is shown

  • Sorry to bump, but anyone ?

    EDIT: I think I got it working thanks to R0J0hound

    (int(t / 60000) % 60) & ":" & (int(t / 1000) % 60) & ":" & (t % 1000)

    Only problem is that it gives 3 digits for MS but I've fixed it with my awesome skills of reducing the text size

  • Hello,

    I have time based Leaderboards in my game.

    I count the time by adding dt every tick and my timer looks like something like this: 19.975983000000404

    From Google Play guidelines:

    [quote:262a2f9z]Time leaderboards present scores in hours / minutes / seconds / hundredths of a second format. You must submit scores as milliseconds, so 66032 would be interpreted as 1:06.03.

    So I use round(timer*1000) to have 19977 - wich works fine (gives 19.98 in the leaderboard)

    But I'm wondering how can I display 19977 as 00:19:98 (M:S:MS) in my game ?

    i've found this formula:

    zeropad(floor(timer/60),2) & ":" & zeropad(floor(timer)%60,2) & ":" & zeropad(round(timer*100)%100,2)

    but it needs modifications to works with round(timer*1000) and since i'm not friendly with Math it's hard for me to figure out .. Anyone know how to modify it accordingly ?

    Thank you if you can help !

  • Hello,

    I'm using array for generating a house.

    I have a "stairs1" somewhere in my array, how do I retrieve it so I can set a "stairs2" above it ?

    What I have so far (and not working at all):

    On start of layout

    For each XY elements

    Value at Array.curX, Array.curY = "stairs1" ----> set value at Array.curX, Array.curY+1 to "stairs2"

    Thank you if you can help !

    EDIT: got it working, was a stupid mistake somewhere else...