JohnnySheffield's Forum Posts

  • Windwalker Hey, i'll delete your mail from database if you don't like this game. There's no need for accusing me for phishing.

    What's your argument for accusing me for faking concept art?


    edit: here's a link to my artists behance page, one of the prominent things she did is designing a F1 helmet for Mark Webber in 2012; you can read more about this here, if you like her art, you can go and directly tell her:

  • Here's my new project, Vikings vs Robots:

    Some concept art:


  • Same thing goes to the is an event group collapsed or not:

       <event-group collapsed="1" description="" sid="6137878066224269" title="Group"> [/code:1bh90b8u]
  • Not sure whether to post this in bugs section, because it's not a bug per se.

    I use git for development and sometimes when i merge two branches of my project, and in one branch a folder is open (expanded) in one is closed, i get conflicts because of the following lines in a .caproj files:

    branch A):

    <layout-folder expanded="1">
    branch B) : 
    [code:3ckatjze]<layout-folder expanded="0">
    Shouldn't this data be stored in a .uistate file, which i can choose to ignore in .gitignore?
    This isn't a git problem, and there are workarounds, but i was just wondering isn't this kind of data exactly why a .uistate file exists. Good explanation is right in the .uistate file:
    [code:3ckatjze] <!--This is a UI state file - its content describes the user interface settings when the project was last open.
    It is entirely optional and the project will load without it.  If you are placing the project under source control,
    you probably do not want to add any .uistate.xml files to the repository.-->[/code:3ckatjze]
    I believe that storing UI data in .caproj file is bad design for any source control and would like to see it go away to the .uistate file where it belongs.
    Is it possible to move this info in .uistate file?  Should i file a bug report?
    p.s. I've uploaded a zip containing two empty projects, one with layout folder expanded and other closed if it makes easier to notice the difference in the .caproj file.
  • Hopefully this will be of assistance.

    I would recommend to look into the manual here: , search the forums and tutorials regarding standard practices and problems.


  • Yes, it's a quite simple edit to get this to work. Testing it, and making sure that it actually works takes some time, and Ashley probably will not approve this kind of changes to official plugins.

    Hopefully tomsstudio will share his solution with us, the community is always happy to help with further testing!

  • Unfortunately, nope, you can't get the "real" fs (and any other node stuff) inside a normal chrome browser.

    The magic of node-webkit is in the combination of node.js, and chromium browser (former webkit, currently blink), hence the node-webkit. check the git project hosted on github for more info on nodewebkit.

    You could check out the awesome browserify-fs project ( it has the "fs" module implementation for chrome, but it does not give you access to the whole system, it just emulates "fs" inside leveldb so you cannot read some file on c:/documents/whatever , it just stores a file inside local storage. (but you can store a pdf using browserify-fs, or a .doc, or a .capx file, if you're into it)

    I didnt use the browserify-fs project yet, so you're on your own there, but it might be useful, depending on your requirements.

    edit: looks like browserify doesent support fs check out:

  • Yes, fs stands for filesystem, it is an implementation from nodejs's fs module, you can read more about it here:

    the require function comes with node, read more about it here:

    Are you previewing your project in nodewebkit? because fs (and require and node stuff) is not available inside the browser!

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  • Hey man, link doesn't work (access denied)

    edit: All good now

    looks great, what's your layout size?

  • I'm interested. Do you have any ETA on plugin release?

  • paulh Pode

    I've ported jsPDF to C2. I would be soo happy if you could download, test and give feedback.

    topic here

  • JsPDF

    Generate PDF files in client-side JavaScript.

    I've exposed jsPDF to C2 users, you can find more info here

    Let's you create multiple pdfs with different sizes and orientations containing multiple pages. Please test if it's possible on multiple platforms and send feedback. Initial test are ok on Chrome, Firefox and Node-Webkit .

    After feedback from the forum users and hopefully some improvements, i'll push this to Git for everybody to use .



    Set Font Size (size)

    Add text (X,Y,Angle,String)

    Add Image (X,Y,width,height,DataUri Type, DataUri string )

    Draw a line (x1,y1,x2,y2)

    Draw a rectangle (X,Y,width,height, style)

    Draw an ellipse (X,Y,rx,ry,style)

    Set text font (font name, font size)

    Save pdf (filename)

    Add page

    Set properties (title,subject,author,keywords,creator)

    Set text color (r,g,b)

    Set stroke color (r,g,b)

    Set fill color (r,g,b)

    New (orientation, unit, format)


    Pdf as DataURL


    html test


    Changelog 03.07.2014:

    Upped plugin version to 1.1

    Updated jsPDF libray to 1.0.178

    Added support for PNG, JPG and JPEG DataURI types,

    Two new formats available; d1, credit-card

    Changelog 13.07.2014:

    Upped plugin version to 1.2

    Draw ellipse implemented

    Set text colour implemented

    Set fill colour implemented

    Set stroke colour implemented

    Added style parameter when drawing objects (Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke)

    Changelog 05.1.2014:

    Minification support thanks to

    Plugin is now available on the repo (search for the "download zip" to download plugin)

  • Try not to store data in global variables, as their name will be visible in the minified code.

    You can store your data in instance variable of a object (eg. an invisible global sprite). Instance variable names are changed during build, global variable names are not.

    So, if you have global variable named "score", in your minified code you can search for that variable name.

    If an object has a instance variable name called "score" (eg. "sprite.score"), it's name in the minified code will be something like "", so it'll be harder to find.

    Also, you'll obviously need to improve your security more, you should never trust the client for any data it sends to you, global variable visible or not.

  • hey, limonspace.

    I really don't like the "hold mouse button to fly" approach. Enable some keyboard controls.

    Also, i see you're using one of the "unstable" versions of plugin, and i strongly recommend against using it for anything else but testing and playing around.

  • Maybe you can use the RegexSearch expressio to search for a single qoute?