jobel's Forum Posts

  • korbaach ahh thanks, I'm already using them (as temp animations) I just didn't recognize the laser one you had in the capx. thanks..

    I was looking for an artist how can animate like that.

  • korbaach where did you get that laser sprite animation? I need a few animations similar to that...

  • yeah for random frames I always use: choose(1,2,3)

    but I think you can do round(random(0,2)) to give you values 0,1,2 but it ends up not being that random since 0.6-1.4 all become 1 etc.. whereas only values below 0.4 end up being 0.

  • you can make a Slider and make the range go from 0-30

    then use that in your calculation: SliderBar.Value * whatever you want.

    or use a TextBox like: int(TextBox.Text) + 5 or whatever your calculation is.

  • fyi -

    spohn is spelled 'spawn'and Terand I assume is 'turret'

    You probably do not want to use the Turret behavior if you want to target specific objects. Not to mention that the turret could target itself.

    If you use "Add Object to Target" the Turret will target all those objects in range. You can force it to un-acquire the target, but unless the object moves out of range it's only going to reacquire it.

    You can Acquire the Target manually by using the Action: "Acquire Target" but if it moves out of range and need to keep checking for it.

  • are the tanks just copies of the same object or do you have unique objects?

    when you set Add Object to Target, is the object itself?

    in your picture it looks like the problem is too many turrets on 1 tank...

    it's hard to understand your question.

  • 'Trigger Once' is the way to go... regardless of your values you don't want to keep executing the same code over and over while the player is just standing there behind the tree you only want to set it once.

    Use a boolean and make the player's 'state' to 'isHiding' and you can check that variable.

  • nice... cool art work.. I like how the monster tank swivels..

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  • great overhead perspective tree work!

    I got about 47-52fps on my desktop running Chrome. Felt a little jerky.

    It ran a lot better on Canary and I got about 58-60fps pretty steadily and it looked smoother.

    On my iPhone 5 (iOS8) Safari it got about 7fps and stuttered and jerks the whole time.. it runs very slow, not very playable.

  • Ashley I just updated the capx earlier today actually. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    here's a more simplified version without the fades... ... .capx?dl=0

    I know the problem is on the browser end (Chrome & FireFox). I'm just asking if you think they will ever fix it. Or rather, do the "powers that be" understand that there's a problem and what it is? I submitted a bug report to both (Google/Mozilla) almost a year ago, never got any sort of reply. It could simply be a limitation to the browser's audio engine..that's what I'm trying to find out.

    The problem happens in Chrome and Firefox. It technically doesn't happen in IE, but only because it looks like they don't properly loop tracks, they simply restart them - so it's not at all seamless.

    I already understand that starting multiple audio tracks in the same tick could have up to 16ms delay each - that's not a problem. It's the actual looping is where the problem lies. Each loop point creates more and more cumulative delays. If streaming audio could stay in-sync over loop points it would be a huge capability to have for music-based games or games that want to implement adaptive music. C-7 figured a way to manually resync his audio during game-play in "Courier" so it's not impossible, but it's tricky depending on the music and when it's playing etc...

    I'd be happy to fill out a Bug Report and post it to the Bug Thread - but it doesn't seem relevant there since it's not a C2 problem. Let me know.

  • Ashley do you know if this is even on Chrome's radar? I did file a bug report. It's almost a year later and my original question: "limitation or a bug?" still stands.

    Is this something we can expect to be made to work or is it simply a limitation that we shouldn't even attempt?

  • also it's important to note that this out of sync issue has not been addressed at all. my bug report to Google was completely pointless and most likely went unheard. I updated the capx to show the times next to the tracks and if you keep listening for > 1:30 you'll actually see them go out of sync.

  • NECROKRIEG well there is no full track, it's only individual tracks playing. So if you are hearing all the tracks playing then that part is working.

    might be the Button objects or the Timers? does the colored track label get "greyed out" or become slightly opaque?

  • NECROKRIEG I never tested it in Android Chrome, I can't see why it wouldn't work. Does the mute buttons just not work at all or does it mute all the tracks at once? If it's the latter then I'd say that was a limitation in AC as they probably look at all audio as one object, opposed to Chrome which allows C2 to effect an individual piece of audio by it's "tag".

  • I had a similar problem, but I use JSON.

    Yes for my "master table" or "DB" I use the CSV plugin. I just paste in a comma delimited excel file into the CSV Object and that parses it out for me. Works perfectly for my needs.

    I use an array as a subset of the master (since the master has things on it that aren't even weapons) so I can flip through weapons the player has equipped - and scroll sequentially. Sort of like selecting things with the mouse wheel in Minecraft's hotbar.