jobel's Forum Posts

  • just curious..

    how do you pronounce it?

    CONstruct 2 or conSTRUCT 2?

    accent on the 'con' or the 'struct'?

    I personally use the first one, I have no idea why. The 2nd one just sounds wrong to me.

  • A0Nasser ah, I see. Well my background includes music/sfx, so I say there can't be enough of that if it helps immerse the player. Of course it has to serve the game first, but I think it's really important to have in any game (even a game jam game). They always say at the beginnings of jams: don't forget sound! which is easy to do when you are knee deep in coding and just getting it to work. But good sound design I think helps make things more "believable" and can also be considered "ear candy".

  • A0Nasser

    20 sfx or so, and since they are in both ogg/m4a that would make it 40 in total. And 2-3 music files.

    why? was there a problem with performance?

  • hey all,

    I worked on this game with 2 artists at a Game Jam this past weekend. I was the only programmer so I used C2.

    The theme was "powers combined"... so we tried to make a 2Player shooter that you'd combine bullets to make a Power Blast to take out Boss targets. Its decent for 2 days of work...

    I made a 1-player-mode but the other Guardian doesn't move, he/she just shoots..(ran out of time!)

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  • that shadertoy is a cool site, anyone know of a resource of where to start with shaders? I don't know much about them or where to start. I know how to code, but I don't totally have a grasp on what shaders actually do. I've loaded custom shaders in Minecraft and seen some here, but that's about it.


  • that's not a capx. Do Save As single file.

  • does the first target spawn? are any copies of the Target on the screen at anytime?

    if you want to specify a certain target (one of the copies of your Target object) you'll need to reference by UID. Otherwise if you just reference the Target object, that will pick ALL of the objects that are Targets.

  • not sure what you mean by "section". what has to happen in the game for the player to trigger a boss?

    The simplest way to make code happen only when you want it to is with a "flag". So make a global variable called "BossFlag=0"

    whenever you want the boss to come out Set BossFlag to 1.

    then in an event make IF BossFlag=1 and add actions, add Trigger Once to the condition if it's the kind of code you only want triggered once.. like Create BossSprite. Otherwise if it's attack patterns you want to have then you need another event that will trigger every tick. So in that event It would say: IF BossFlag (without the Trigger Once) then add your code that will make the boss do what you want it to do (every tick). You could also make a group that you active or deactivate. I like those for top-level events like: Boss.Turret.OnShoot -> Action..etc

  • the thumbstick has a range of values which tells you where exactly the stick is.. you can use that range to effect how much speed you add to the player.


    so a little to the left is like -20, all the way left is -100, midway to the right is 50 etc...

    if you actually mean press down, as in click the stick.. that won't work because its merely a button - on/off and does not have a pressure sensitive range. It's not like a midi keyboard with velocity values...

  • I realize this is an old thread but is this addon working or supported anymore? should I not use it in my project?

  • I also found this website : quite useful to see what the current easing fonctions of the plugin do instead of trying them one by one.

    nice find! a great reference to bookmark!

  • great idea!

  • use SetSize... and you just have to do a bunch of checks..

    you have to come up with an algorithm for changing sizes, like check the height of the colliding object and do a calculation that sets the player to the correct size.

    or a better idea is to give the object an instance variable, and that will determine whether to grow or shrink.

    if you don't want to deal with Height and Width, then just use scale.

    there is no Player.scale so you have to make one manually. Just set an instance variable on the Player and everytime you effect it do:

    Set Player Scale to self.scale

    so a 9x9 object would have an instance variable change_amount=0.1, your 10x11 would have change_amount=-0.1 then for the opacity you'd have change_amount=self.scale * 0.1

    then set Player.scale to Player.scale + Object.change_amount

    then set Player Scale to self.scale

  • so you want to a toggle switch.

    I do this all the time, depending on what triggers it, it should be fine as is. If this code is in a "onclick" event, it's only going through it once, so you can just have 2 "ifs".

    if it's in an area where it's getting triggered all the time, then you would just use an Else statement.

    It all depends in what is triggering it.

  • I can't tell from that snippet what you are trying to do...