Joannak's Forum Posts

  • > Just download the last beta from the bottom bar of the website, and then execute it. It will remove the old version, upgrading it directly.

    <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> it mean,i will make my Internet Quota,Worst fastly <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    What you really need to get better internet provider.. 120Megabyte update package should not be the limiting factor.

    Other than that, having all updates ain't mandatory. If current stable version is ok to you, no need to fetch every weekly update.

  • firebelly .. for example a game like. Rockets F*** everywhere. It's made with C2 and even though I'm not sure, they might have rotating layouts in it.

  • Please check this thread.. And no, 99.9% it's not a bug in Construct.

    It *would* be nice to get an error message that actually explains the problem in human readable form, but..

  • Spongehammer.. I Agree. Thingies like Speech recognition aren't nearly as important as fixes on Construct IDE ..

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  • Most likely this will be closed as a "not a bug".

    There was some discussion of this earlier this month and IMHO (I'm not related to Scirra)it's better this way. Having every particle causing collisions can become a real big performance hit.

    I have not seen C2 internals, but I'd expect the particles to be rendered separately from regular sprites, perhaps even on different engine?

  • I have noticed the same issue. It's especially bad when there's really promising looking Tutorial and the files ain't there anymore. Why this happen? Well, I can only make some guesses.

    Perhaps some people have given up game making (or at least C2) entirely? Or perhaps they have run out of room at the shared disk and cleaned up the oldest stuff.

    I know that I have linked here couple test capx that had no other intention than to be a quick help to those asking various question. In a sense, those have already filled their purpose, but I think I'll leave them on in case someone later sees the thread.

    At the same time.. I'd like to see some administrative cleanup done at tutorials + scirra arcade.. Especially the arcade has plenty of pure **** in it. I can't talk for Scirra (and don't know their intentions) but IMHO those 'games' give really bad impression of the potential C2 has.

  • I tested this Capx with Win7-64 system with R155 and R159 (on debug mode) using both latest FFox and Chrome and can confirm that the later version of Construct is definitely slower.

    On 155 frame rates keep on close to 60 (with cpu load around 20%) but on 159 frame rate drops to single digits with cpu 100%.

  • <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I *finally* found the problem.. The noisejs.addon was installed to A:roamaning-something and it prevented even 155 version to start properly.. I never asked anything to be installed there (I keep my C2 files at H-drive).. No wonder It took me some time to find.

    So.. next thing to do is test the while I have this old version installed and then try installing 159 again.

  • Yeah.. this 159 seems to get this.. Ah well, some cleanup time.


    FFS.. I even fully uninstalled 158.2 and deleted the entire exporters sub folder (where those extensions were) and this 159 still does this extremely unhelpful error message when trying to start.

    Is there any way to *know* what directories this program goes to look foe extensions? As far as I remember I only put those extensions on that one location.


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    ACE table: Expression ID duplicated in ACE table

    Condition: exp_ids.find(id) == exp_ids.end()

    File: c:\c2\source\exporters\html5\..\..\common\ERAHelpers.h

    Line: 259

    (edit2 .. the error message seems to be same as above)..

    I'd really prefer to have either some verbosity on the loader so that I could know what's been loaded or robustness on the system. Ah well, at least I didn't have anything important going on.

    Yeah.. this 159 seems to get this.. Ah well, some cleanup time.

    Edit3: For clarity Win7-64, etc.. This PC has worked just fine on all eight previous versions I have so far installed (since R152).

    My windows install is on A: drive and Construct2 is installed to H:construct2 directory

  • Nice.. That could fit into many kinds of turn based or card games.

  • Hmm.. I really can't see *what* you are going and how you manage to crash C2. Those zoom controls at the toolbar are not even active until you open some project..


    Ah.. After checking the second picture (first one seems non.existing) you have indeed opened a project, even though you didn't mention doing so. Unfortunately I have to say that this crash is not anything I can make to happen.

    Which version of the Radeon GFX driver you are using. May well be that your's a abit buggy and the C2 happens to stumble on that? I have W7-64bit system with HD7800 and 13.251 drivers and I have seen some nasty flickering on zooming, but never seen C2 to crash on it.

    And IMHO if something as important than this were 100% broken on Construct, I'd be sure there would be SH***storm all over the forum. So, I doubt this is quite localized phenomena.

  • There are so many good gravitar-likes.. But the original, oh boy..

  • Like Ashley said, there's really nothing anyone here can do for you, unless you provide a Capx that can be tested by us.

  • There apparently is a way to take a snapshot of an canvas, or even part of it, and if I have correctly read the manual, that snapshot can then be loaded to Sprite object. I have no idea, how to implement it, though.

    Closest thread I found was, unfortunately it has no examples etc.

  • Yep.. One of those issues I posted just couple days ago:

    IMHO someone (moderator?) should make a sticky message with all the *known* bugs of the forum. I know that not all people would notice that file and read it beforehand, but at least it would out and open.