Yeah.. this 159 seems to get this.. Ah well, some cleanup time.
FFS.. I even fully uninstalled 158.2 and deleted the entire exporters sub folder (where those extensions were) and this 159 still does this extremely unhelpful error message when trying to start.
Is there any way to *know* what directories this program goes to look foe extensions? As far as I remember I only put those extensions on that one location.
Construct 2 Check failure
Check failure! This is probably a bug:
ACE table: Expression ID duplicated in ACE table
Condition: exp_ids.find(id) == exp_ids.end()
File: c:\c2\source\exporters\html5\..\..\common\ERAHelpers.h
Line: 259
(edit2 .. the error message seems to be same as above)..
I'd really prefer to have either some verbosity on the loader so that I could know what's been loaded or robustness on the system. Ah well, at least I didn't have anything important going on.
Yeah.. this 159 seems to get this.. Ah well, some cleanup time.
Edit3: For clarity Win7-64, etc.. This PC has worked just fine on all eight previous versions I have so far installed (since R152).
My windows install is on A: drive and Construct2 is installed to H:construct2 directory