JimmyTHicks's Forum Posts

  • Alright awesome, thanks. Been wrestling with a database for a few weeks, been really stopping my progress thus far. Appreciate it budday.

  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




    Is this the correct way to write an xml document for construct 2?

    and is there any other reason the xml document may be unable to read from the ajax object other than incorrect syntax?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Awesome thanks

  • Or even somebody typing out the pseudo-code necessary for this.

  • Bit of a necromancer here, but is it possible this file could be re-uploaded? The link only provides a .cap file, and from what i understand it's unusable in new versions of construct.

  • Is it really better performance-wise to quadruple the animation count for hundreds of objects as opposed to just messing around with layer effects?

  • With all due respect, if you don't have an answer just pipe down and let someone else give it a try. As we've now fully digressed from the original topic. I'm not sold on the idea of using destination out for lighting effects, if there are other avenues for lighting I'll learn how to use them gladly. But I seriously doubt that I have the resources to produce night and day cycle animations for every object in game, that's just unreasonable.

  • Not just stars no, any celestial object really(sun, moon, whatever).

    It being over my other layers is the problem, though, because those layers include the active objects layer and the ground layer, which need to be darkened by the light layers' black overlay but still sit in front of the sky layer(ie no stars in front of trees, players et cetera).

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  • I think the additive effect may solve my issue, I'll check.

  • It would then overlap the ground and active layers that are overlain already by the light layer. I've also tried modifying the layer opacity and using a darkness effects on specific layers, but I am unsure how to get the lighting effects to look properly without the destination out trick.

  • Fairly self explanatory, I'm using the Destination Out blending effect for lighting on a black, non-transparent 'light layer', is there any way to get a star, or night sky object to appear through this light layer?(ie. ignoring the darkening effects of the black overlay)

  • I can be more specific about the manner in which the inventory functions, and I believe I have a rough idea on how to make it work. Just looking for some info, as it always seems there is better way of doing things.

  • I've been working on an inventory system, I've made a few before, but they have all used the method of having an object called inventorySlot or something of that manner that contains all the item images in the game. An array is used to store the item stats and the inventorySlot objects just act as a visual medium for the user to view, and to store x and y index positions for management(I've made click and drop based inventories).

    The goal for this, however, is a tad more ambitious. I'm trying to make a diablo-style visual inventory(rectangles only, no tetris nonsense), and have found only a single tutorial so far that matches what I'm trying to make by Pixel Rebirth, but the links he posted in the tutorial are dead/broken/outdated(this is the tutorial, it's really only basic information for those who may have experience with this sort of thing already):

    http://weconstruct.blogspot.ca/2011/06/ ... ntory.html

    I've also checked the frequently asked questions section and only found the style of inventory system that I've made before, and some diablo-esque movement tutorials.

    Can somebody give me an explanation on how to make a visual inventory in an efficient manner or even a reference to a tutorial that explains what Pixel Rebirth was describing, but slightly more in depth?

  • Interesting solution, never thought to do it like that really. And I see what you mean about the large amount of tiles causing some sort of indexing confusion in TILEPLACER.capx with the way it's set up right now. Although, I'm not planning to have in-game manipulation of tiles(the level editor is really for me not the players lol) I was thinking you could have a save function that reads each editorTiles' animation frame number and saves that(to an array mayhap), then when loading said level, have it place basic tiles with only single animations instead of the editorTile. I'm not asking for assistance with that, just mentioning it for clarity on what my initial plan was.


  • I've been programming a fairly extensive game lately, and am in need of a level editor. What I am having issues with is block placement, specifically, having blocks detect surrounding blocks and changing their appearing accordingly. I know there's lots of forum discussion out there for Terraria/Starbound-type block placement, but I haven't found any that match this quite close enough for me to work with. Any suggestions welcome, even a link to a forum page/tutorial I might not be aware of, I also uploaded a .capx example I made earlier tonight and it seems about as responsive as the real thing(LOL).